HomeBlogSocial Media Guide: Ways to Run Profitable Instagram Ads

Social Media Guide: Ways to Run Profitable Instagram Ads

As a business owner, you always need a robust digital platform where you can promote your brand directly to your targeted web audiences. While content marketing and SEO marketing is prevailing in the digital landscape, social media has evolved its own way in this competitive market.
Today, modern entrepreneurs are promoting their products and services on leading social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. With the use of engaging and captivating content, you can grow your customer reach and ensure higher success.

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The best way to do this is by marketing the beautiful images and videos of your products and services on Instagram. This social media platform has showed a drastic growth across the web. The website welcomes 400 million users every month, ranging from business corporatives to end customers.
Over the past few years, Instagram has become a leading platform for social media marketing. Many reputed brands are promoting their brand using Insatgram ads, which is similar to Facebook ads. It can help you sell your products and services directly on social media to your targeted web customers.

With that concept in mind, we bring you some effective tips that will help you run successful Instagram ads campaign.

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1. Instagram ad should reflect your brand strategy

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Instagram is a great photo sharing platform. This means you should focus on creating the ads that can encourage people to buy your products immediately.

Under this, you’ll need to ensure that your ads follow your business’s core brand and marketing strategy. They should support your brand value, along with a visible CTA button to let customers take an action further to boost your sales.
This can help also help you improve your other social media campaigns running on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

2. Target your web audience

Create ads that can instantly influence your targeted web audience and encourage them to buy your products or avail your services, without any complication.
Being a social media marketer, it is important for you to know everything about your Instagram followers so that you can add value to their interest via ads.

3. Importance of hashtags and keywords

Hashtags are one of the most important parts of Instagram marketing campaign that can help you gain better visibility on social media. They are like keyword phrased after the sign of “#” that help Instagram users to classify connect as per their interest.

By adding hashtags in between the content can help you get better ranking of social media search engines. It lets you bring users to a page displaying all your product images, videos related to your services (tagged with the similar hashtags).

One of the best things is that you can add hashtags to both the existing as well as new content to make it more searchable. So, make sure you add hashtag to your content if you are promoting your brand on Instagram.
Apart from this, ensure that you use the most relevant sets of keywords for your business, product categories and user interest while inserting hastags to your content.

4. Use Images as a powerful marketing tool

Prompt your targeted Instagram users by displaying them beautiful and enticing images of your products and service. Since a picture is worth than thousands of words, you should leverage them to boost your web presence.
A visually appealing image has a power to harness the attention of a viewer instantly and encourage them to visit your site to buy something from you. It would be better if you use high-quality and relevant images for your Instagram ad campaign.
You can take close up shots, use multi-angle technique, and other ways to grab more viewer’s attention in a matter of few clicks.

5. Share business-related videos

Instagram is all about promoting brands via beautiful images and captivating videos that briefly tell a story about your brand or highlight the key features of your product. You can shot a short story that entices people to explore more about you as a valuable brand.
Just like images, you should focus on creating and sharing video content to tell the brand story to all your potential web customers and clients. Instagram is one of the best platforms for video marketing.

6. Use your Social marketing data

big data
This is something very crucial yet essential. Most of the social media channels provide stats on the posts that generate best results for you (when you receive maximum clicks, views and shares).
You can use this data to execute a successful Instagram ad campaign when you get maximum attention by your targeted users.
With the use of social media statistics, you can give your users accurate information about your brand, marketing value and its presence all over the web. This will boost the credibility and let users follow you as a brand.

7. Test! Test! Test!

While creating your Instagram ads campaign, make sure you run a complete check on your ads to check their standard and authenticity. Check whether the timing, offer or audience helping you get better visibility or no.
You can run A/B split testing to check your Instagram against another. You can check its visual appearance, robustness, and unique approach. Then you can use the ad details to revamp the campaign and test it again to achieve the desirable result.


Instagram has uplifted the entire social media marketing standard, It holds a great potential to run successful Instagram ad campaigns that can grow your business and take your achievements to the higher level.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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