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Creating WordPress Website Design and How to Use a Theme Detector?

Now a day’s creating and designing your own website is not very difficult process. With the launch of WordPress, now you can design your own website even if you don’t have much of coding experience or technical knowledge. WordPress has made this possible.

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Still for some people designing a WordPress site is not so much motivating. There are so many articles which can encourage you to design your own website by using WordPress. Now we will explain you the process required to start designing your own WordPress site.

build your website

Process of designing your own WordPress site

build your website
In the first step you should collect some inspiring ideas which can encourage you. This step includes making lists, looking at design pictures or visiting places to gather more information which can inspire you. You should really open your creative potential and think positively about what you want in the look of your website and how to implement that into the design.

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Advantages and disadvantages of designing website yourself

Before you start the task of creating your WordPress site yourself, you should check the advantages and disadvantages and know if really it’s worth doing such a project.


Less cost
Cost of paying someone to design your website is much higher than doing it yourself. Although you may have to pay for some components like themes and plugins, if you are using paid ones.

Full Creative Freedom to implement
If you design your site yourself then you get full creative freedom as only you can implement your vision 100%. When you are designing your site then you know exactly what you are doing and you don’t have to explain it to some other designer who can take long time to understand your requirements.

You will learn new things
Learning is always a good thing as it stimulates your brain and helps in staying alert and strong, especially if the work is challenging.

You will enjoy a lot
Designing a website is a fun. There are so many things to do which can make you eager to do more things. There are many things to work on like columns, colors, fonts, logos, sidebars and other elements of a brilliant site and you will be enjoying a lot doing these things which can motivate you and you will feel happy when project will finish.

But if you find this process taking lot of time then obviously you can hire a professional.


Learning new things takes time
It can take some of your time to learn new things if you don’t know them. You have to learn all the technicalities of designing a website. Hence if you want to do it yourself then you have to first learn all of them.

Your may not satisfy with your final version
There are chances that you will not be be fully satisfied with the final version of your website. Even if you spend lots of time to learn all the required things and skills still you may not like the website which you have finished building. Sometimes things can go wrong. Hence you have to keep in mind all these things.

No one is there to help you or resolve your issues
If you are designing your website yourself then there is noone who can help you or guide you. Although you can read tutorials on internet and learn from the YouTube videos and read from books but sometimes real time practical support is also required which you don’t have.

Theme Detection

what wordpress theme is that
If you are designing your website then you have to decide which theme you are going to use which can take lots of time as you have so many options. We are giving here some reasons why to use a theme detector.
Theme detection is intuitive and you don’t have to spend long time to learn it.

Theme detection is free hence you can save some money for your website design.

Theme detection is very easy and convenient and you will get the required information instantly.

Saves time
Theme detection can save lots of your time as you don’t have to search for theme yourself.

Now we will explain how to detect WordPress website’s theme in few steps.

It takes more time in the decision making of what theme you like than the time needed to call the theme. WhoisWP is a great tool which can do this job quickly and easily. It takes few steps to do this.

1. Copy the URL of the website whose theme you want to find out.
2. Go to WhoisWP.com.
3. Past the website address you have copied into the search box.
4. Now press the search button.
5. Within few seconds, you will see the results and that’s it.

This information will contain the WordPress theme’s name, version, author and even the plugins the website is using. If you like this theme then you can use it for your own website as now you know the details of the theme.

We have explained the essential things which you need to start creating your WordPress website. This information will help you to prepare better so that you can start the journey of creating your website which meets your requirements and expectations.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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