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Do You Need Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress hosting is an ideal hosting solution for business owners who are looking for a powerful hosting platform, but want all the backend processes to be overlooked by a team of professional system administrators. Shared hosting has a similar arrangement wherein daily maintenance and upkeep of the server is the responsibility of the service provider. Although affordable and convenient, the resources of shared plan are not enough to guarantee the seamless performance of a WordPress website.

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When we say resources, it is not just the restriction of the CPU time, bandwidth, and disk space. We are in fact referring to the generic build of the Shared hosting that may pose as a hurdle for certain (not all) websites.
wordpress managed hosting

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Web Hosting Environment- Shared Server

The applications and software installed on a shared server are customized in a way to support other platforms like Drupal, Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento, phpBB, including WordPress. Given the generic build of the server, your WordPress website does not have any unique advantage.

On the other hand, when it comes to WordPress hosting, the hardware and software components of the server are thoroughly customized for a WordPress website. As a result, your website shall perform better under the milieu of WordPress hosting.

Why Managed WordPress hosting?

Managed WordPress hosting in many ways is like shared hosting, except that it is optimized for a WordPress website. All the essential aspects of running the site like plugin updates, security, speed optimization, daily backup, are taken care by a team of experts who know the ins and out of WordPress platform.

Briefly, it provides a more supportive and a stable environment for the website. Therefore, there are fewer instances of downtime and upscaling your online business is not a problem. Additionally, your website can take full advantage of all the plugins and tools that are specifically built for a WordPress website.

Managed WordPress hosting is a perfect web hosting plan that allows you to focus on the core competency of the business, while all the backend process of maintaining and managing the server is the responsibility of the service provider.

For further understanding, here is a quick look at the benefits of Managed WordPress hosting-

Managed Customer Support

Managed WordPress hosting plans assure support from competent and well-trained system administrators. Therefore, if you have any problem with respect to the performance of your website or you need any technical assistance, the level of support is both reliable and quick. This eliminates the need to hire dedicated IT staff and business owners who have limited understanding of server configuration and management can run their WordPress website smoothly.

Daily Backup

A daily backup is the primary highlight of a Managed WordPress hosting plan. Taking the backup of your website is important as a precautionary measure against threats like malware attacks and hacking attempts. Daily backup will also come in handy in case an update has gone wrong or loss of information due to a human error. Most Managed WordPress plans offered by premium service providers like ResellerClub offer free daily backup, which is a very useful feature of the hosting plan.

Automatic WordPress Core Updates

Since the server environment is specific to WordPress, all WordPress upgrades are automatically done for you to ensure that all security patches recommended by the WordPress team are done. Thanks to this, your WordPress website will always remain stable, and there will be fewer instances of downtime.

Advanced Security

In a managed WordPress hosting, the security protocols are quite stringent. There are daily security audits and malware scans. Also, the web platforms and software are updated periodically. Thus, your website is less susceptible to hacking. If at all there is an untoward incident, your managed WordPress hosting provider will offer reliable support which shared web hosting lacks.

Better Performance

With managed WordPress hosting you will never have to worry about the performance of your website. All the open source web platforms like PHP, MySQL and APACHE are tweaked optimally to boost the performance of your WordPress site. In a non-WordPress hosting environment, the build of these stacks is generic which might hold back your online presence. With Managed WordPress hosting your website will load faster, requests will be generated faster, and the information on your website will remain safe.

Limitations of Managed WordPress Hosting

Although a reliable hosting choice managed WordPress hosting has certain limitations which business owners must consider the big switch-


With advanced security feature, better support and optimal server environment, the price tag of a managed WordPress hosting can be 3 to 4 times higher than a standard shared hosting plan. An entry level managed WordPress hosting can cost up to $50 to $60 a month.

Cannot Change to Another CMS at will

WordPress hosting plans are customized for a WordPress website. You cannot host other platforms on a WordPress server. If you opt for a WordPress hosting you cannot move another CMS at will and you will have to continue with WordPress CMS. Therefore, you should have a clear position on your requirement and preference beforehand.

Who Should opt for Managed WordPress Hosting?

Before we get to this question, it should be noted that with Managed WordPress hosting, the cost of hosting will considerably increase. Therefore, before the big switch, you need to analyze the following scenarios –

● You are not a hosting expert, and you need professional and reliable support
● You are looking to host a WordPress website that requires frequent OS updates
● You want to add new plugins to your WordPress website

If any of the above scenarios match your current needs, it is time to upgrade your plan to the best-managed WordPress host.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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