HomeBlog5 Highly Effective Techniques to Generate Leads from Your WordPress Blog

5 Highly Effective Techniques to Generate Leads from Your WordPress Blog

Lead generation is a process of creating customer interest in your web-based business and encourage them to buy your products and services. It is the topmost priority of all online business owners because it is directly associated with their survival in the web-based business.

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When you create a website, you may have some goals to achieve. For example- Increasing the number of site visitors, download of Premium E-products, subscribers, leads, etc. It has been observed that most of the visitors browse websites, read the available content and go away all of a sudden without taking any action.

So, why you fail to generate sufficient leads as per your expectation? There may be several reasons for it, such as the frequent change in Google’s algorithm, increasing competition on the World Wide Web, failure to address the concerns of visitors, use of low-quality content, etc.

In this article, we have compiled top 5 effective techniques that will help you to generate leads easily and quickly & increase your business rapidly. So, let’s begin the voyage.
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1. Increase Your Blog’s Visibility On Prominent Search Engines

Increase Your Blog's Visibility On Prominent Search Engines
People use different search engines to browse the Internet and find the information they need. Generally, they visit only those websites that appear on the first or second page of search engines. All those sites that have a lower ranking in the SERP of search engines are likely to have fewer visitors, which means fewer business opportunities for their owners.

Therefore, you need to optimize your blog very well. This will encourage search engines to add your blog or its page in their SERPs with all important key terms under your niche. If this happens, you get a steady flow of traffic to your site and the chances of lead generation get increased up to a great extent.

Always keep in mind that search engines always care about the usability and value of websites for the end users. Therefore, you should always care about some important factors, such as website design & structure, navigation, content presentation technique, UX/UI elements, load speed, etc. All these affect the SEO ranking of the site, the volume of traffic you get and the generation of leads. Make sure that your website is up-to-date from all angles and offers a great value for users.

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a process of sending attractive and meaningful newsletters to subscribers and encourage them to visit the websites for taking the further action. It is also a cost-effective tool to reach out a large number of users on the Word Wide Web, market products/services and grow your business.

So, make your site’s Email subscription form user-friendly, visually appealing, and professional. Design the sign- up form in such a way that it should appear automatically on computer/laptop/mobile phone screen whenever visitors land on your website.

In order to grow your subscriber list and automate the Email marketing campaigns, you can use Email marketing plugins. Once visitors subscribe your newsletters, just send them meaningful and relevant newsletters based on their browsing habits, liking, past purchase records, etc, and encourage them to hang around your site. This will give you more chances of lead generation.

3. Emphasize On Social Leads

Different social media sites are the meeting points of the like-minded people. They use social media sites regularly to exchange their thoughts with near and dear ones at all the times. In order to create leads from social media user, you need to make your WordPress blog popular on different social media channels.

For this, you should add social sharing buttons to your site using WordPress plugins and create social media pages of your blog. Whenever you publish a new content the blog, just share them on social media pages. This will help you to get more page views on your site and increase its traffic up to a great extent. If users share your blog’s post in maximum numbers, it gives you SEO benefits and you get more opportunities to create quality leads.

To accelerate the lead generation process, you can hold live chat sessions (such as Facebook Live Chat) with your customers, communicate directly with them, answer their questions straightforwardly.

4. Pay Attention To Mobile Users

The rapid evolution of different hi-tech mobile phones has changed the change the way people browse the Internet. Now, tech-savvy people are using different mobile phones to browse the Internet. So, as an ardent blogger, you should not ignore the business opportunities coming from small screens.

Just make sure your blog is responsive to all devices. It will help mobile users to browse your blog easily and take various actions without any problem. These days, the use of mobile apps is increasing rapidly. So, if you have a sufficient budget, just get an app created by an IT company for the promotion of your blog.

Just get the app listed on Google’s app store and other similar places. Encourage people to download your app and use it to browse your site easily. It will increase traffic to your site manifold and you will be able to create more and more leads.

5. Run PPC Ads

PPC is the abbreviation of pay-per-click. Actually, it’s a model of Internet in which search engines show your PPC ads on top of search results and you have to pay a fee each theme whenever your ads are clicked by customers. In other words, it’s a process of buying visits to your website.

PPC can help you to increase the pace of lead generation if you run it carefully. Just choose high-volume keywords, reach out the targeted audience with the right content and get lots of opportunities to convert visitors into leads.

Concluding Remarks

Lead generation is essential for people involved in web-based businesses. These are top 5 tips using which you can easily generate leads and earn decent income every month.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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