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Optimizing Your Website for Greater Engagement

With some sections of our society spending around 7.5 hours a day online, it’s more important than ever for companies and organizations to make sure that their websites are tweaked until they’re tip-top drivers of engagement.In this article, we will look at some of the best methods used by industry insiders to optimize websites for engagement and convert users into customers or brand ambassadors.

Calls to action

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call to action
When you want your online visitors to do something, it’s often a simple case of politely telling them what it is you need. If you have an e-newsletter, for example, nobody is going to sign up to it unless you make it clear where it is and how signing up will benefit them. Use color and size to your advantage by making a vibrant button that stands out as users skim-read your content. Don’t bury your opportunities for conversions!

Make your site beautiful

make your website beautiful
While in the real world, it might be what’s on the inside that truly counts, there’s no doubt that being pretty is very important online. Research from Google shows that visitors who have a nice experience on your site are 67% more likely to buy your product or service, so a responsive site with a crisp aesthetic is crucial.

When hiring a developer or searching for templates, look out for modern design elements such as infinite scroll and lazy loading – and don’t forget to test on mobile. Remember, retina devices often come with up to four times the number of pixels as a normal screen, so investing in high-quality graphics is very important.


website navigation
The popularity of the site map might have waned in recent years, but that is no reason to neglect the all-important issue of website navigation.Make sure that there are not too many links on your homepage so that users do not end up overwhelmed. Be sure to prioritize: links to important pages with high conversion potential should be emphasized and placed front and center.

Before launch (and, after launch, periodically), you should go through all your internal links to ensure that they are properly configured and there are no embarrassing Error 404 pages – a surefire way of casting your site in an unprofessional light.


Often, making all these changes to your website can seem like a daunting task – especially if you don’t have the staff or skills to carry out an overhaul.If you choose to work with a contractor, an umbrella company might provide you with peace of mind if you’re looking for help with contracts, payments, and taxes. Umbrella companies offer contractor tax help by assisting your contractor to file their returns in a transparent and accountable way, which ensures that all tax affairs relating to your contracts are above board.

Investing some time in keeping your business or organization’s website optimized for top levels of engagement can pay dividends. Whether it’s overhauling your site’s design so that it is easier to navigate or adding features to deliver a more modern feel, making tweaks now really can pay off later.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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