HomeGadgetsAdvantages of using MacBook over windows

Advantages of using MacBook over windows

Thinking of buying a new laptop/PC and can’t decide which operating system you should go for? This can be very confusing at times for many people. There are a number of things that should be kept in mind while you are picking up the right operating system for yourself.

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Firstly, give a thought to the fact that what are your requirements and how you are going to use your laptop/PC. Then go on and investigate different operating systems on the basis of how secure they are, what are the different tools that they provide for programming and gaming purposes, how frequent are the software updates in that OS, how easy they are to handle and a lot more.

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There are a number of operating systems that you can choose from to fulfil your requirements. Some of the popular operating systems are Windows, MacOS, Ubuntu, Linux, Haiku etc.

The two most sought-after operating systems that are used by people around the world are Windows and MacOS. In this article, we talk about the advantages of choosing MacOS or purchasing a MacBook over windows PCs.

Benefits of switching to MacBook from windows

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MacOS is better than windows in a number of ways like security, user interface, file & memory management, hardware compatibility etc. Here are some of the points which explain how buying a MacBook is definitely going to benefit you, rather than going for windows.

• Hardware and build quality
Apple MacBooks have always remained superior to windows PCs in terms of astounding looks and superb build quality. Though they may cost more, they actually prove to be cheaper because of the low cost of maintenance and last long. Apple MacBooks are made of aluminium which gives them the smashing look and also provides robustness. The excellent build quality prevents them from damage and saves you the extra cost of restoration. Also, they are often more lightweight than windows PCs. At times, there are many electronic deals going on various e-commerce websites so you can also buy MacBook’s at some great discounts. So, there’s no better way to own a MacBook than ordering online, or is there?

• Less options to choose from
Windows PCs are available in the market in a huge variety by different manufacturers like Hp, Lenovo, Dell, Sony etc. All these brands further provide so many different types of PCs with different configurations making it a very tedious task to for a person to choose just the right PC for him/her.

Apple on the other hands provides a limited range of MacBooks, with just the ideal configurations, enabling a person to choose the right PC for himself/herself.

• Hardware & software compatibility
Since MacOS and MacBooks both are developed by Apple, they both are extremely compatible with each other and gel with each other really well.
Windows on the other hand is developed by Microsoft. The hardware of windows PCs developed by various other brands may not be as congruous as MacOS and MacBook are with each other. This is solely because of the fact that the hardware and software of a system are developed by a same company, i.e Apple.

• Security
When it comes to security, MacOS is definitely more fitting than windows. Windows have always had the risk of getting attacked by hackers or cyber-criminals even after having an anti-virus installed.

MacBooks on the other hand prove to be very secure when it comes to hackers or cyber criminals. MacOS is a Unix based operating system and as a result is very safe and secure and may not even require an anti-virus.

We often see windows PCs getting hit by malware and adware which is the not the case with MacBook because it comes with built-in malware protection. This includes file quarantine, plug-ins and a variety of other safety features.

• Pre-loaded apps and software
MacBook comes pre-loaded with a variety of apps and softwares which can be used for work, editing photos & videos, making music and many other purposes.

The iLife suit composed of iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD, iWeb and GarageBand proves to be very utilitarian for the users.
On the contrary, if you are using a windows PC, you’ll have to purchase the premium software that you’ll be using for all these purposes. Even the MicroSoft office package is not a part of the windows. It is purchased separately! (This fact maybe be unknown to some, but yes! It’s true!)
Apple’s iWork office suit is another ingredient of MacBooks being successful.

• No drivers required
If you are currently a windows user, there is a 90% chance that you have gone through the nasty experience of re-installing the drivers because something went wrong with the system.
Well, MacBooks don’t require drivers. This is because of the fact the Apple’s very own software is fabricated into its very own hardware. So, this saves you all the pain of worrying about drivers.

• Supports Winows!

What more can you ask for? An Apple MacBook now supports windows. So, why go for a windows PC when you can have both the operating systems at one place?

Mac users can now do a lot on the MacBooks which windows users certainly can’t.

The overall performance and looks of a MacBook is so captivating that one can’t easily get over it.

If you still have some doubts, or don’t like MacBooks anyways, here are some of the more operating systems that you can switch to:-
Ubuntu, Linux, Haiku, CentOS, Fedora, SteamOS and a lot more…

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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