HomeBlogFacebook Marketing Techniques 2017 Every Business Should Follow

Facebook Marketing Techniques 2017 Every Business Should Follow

Facebook is the biggest Social Media network of the world with over 1.86 Billion Users. Billions!!!! Yeah, I didn’t misspell that. And that’s not just it, the growth rate since 2016 is over 17 %. That’s just like 34 % of the entire planet. Same goes with the WordPress, it powered over 28 percent of the total website.

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Imagine how powerful your business’s marketing strategy would be if you combine the two most powerful component of the digital realm. This is the reason, I am writing this post. Leaving Facebook behind while marketing your business online can be the stupidest thing you have ever did. There is no escaping Facebook in any way at all.

Facebook marketing tips

In this post, I will give you some of the most popular and effective Facebook Marketing Techniques that every business should follow in 2017. These strategies are actually in form of steps that if you follow, then you can easily leverage the people power of the Facebook in the ways that will make sure that your business will grow in the right direction.

So, let’s get started.

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1. Create Goals Exclusively For Facebook

To strategies Facebook Marketing, the first thing is to create Facebook goals that affect your biggest business needs. Since you have considered using Facebook to promote your business. So, here you need to be very cautious about how Facebook will help you to accomplish your biggest business need.

Some common goals that Facebook can help you to get are,

• Increase the quality of your business sales.
• Facebook can help you to add more value to your organization.
• You can keep track of your customers easily via social media monitoring tools.
• It can help you to grow smartly if you want it.

2. Keep an Eye to Your Facebook Demographics

Facebook Demographics
In order to build a marketing strategy, you must study the demographics of your target area. As I said earlier, there are more than 1.86 Billion people scrolling down. So, here you need to be sure to whom you want to visible.

For 2017, you must check the demographics of the past year i.e., 2016 (Isn’t it obvious!!!). You can go through these headers just to get an idea.
• Women tend to adopt facebook more frequently than men. The core age group is 18-29 years. Also, 62 percent of 65+ years of oldies are still using Facebook.
• Urban and Rural areas both have 81 percent of their people on Facebook. Suburbs got 77 percent of their people on Facebook. Apart from that, 84 percent of Facebook users make less than $30,000.
• Keeping these figures in mind, don’t just limit yourself to just a confined array of people. Always try to target more and more people.

3. Schedule Your Facebook Content Wisely

Schedule Your Facebook Content Wisely
The Social media especially Facebook caters you with endless opportunity to spread your content in all the possible digital ways you can. Videos, audios, images, write-ups, and graphics. There are a lot more than anyone of us could ever want to spread the content.

But the key doesn’t lie there in the medium or the mode. The key lies in the expectation your Facebook audience with your Facebook Business page and the quality of content. Always remember this, over promotion will hurt your business in the way that you have no idea.

Make sure that your Facebook page doesn’t just look like a sales market platform. The content you will be creating must be compelling, engaging and entertaining as well. Highlight your brand value but don’t over play that card. Built a space that is unique for your company by identifying your audiences.

Make use of a media publishing tool to schedule your Facebook content. Planning is as important as the quality of the content. This planning will be the reason that can give you higher chance of inspiring and engaging the audience.

4. Keep a Close Eye on the Facebook Ads Strategy

Your Facebook Ad campaigns have to be relevant and cost effective. You need to be sure and limit yourself to be over explored by needless clicks. This can shoot your ad campaign to the prime heights of the expense. It is wiser to target a broad audience, however, still, you need relevancy in your Facebook ads.

Make sure that your creative content follow these footsteps,
• Does the ad be relevant to your business?
• What is the viewer getting here?
• In what tone are you expressing and are you consistent in that tone?
• You must drive your audience to take an action. Make a clear and direct call to action.

5. Engage Continuously with your Audience

Facebook is a Social Media Platform, that is made to create an audience and connect with them seamlessly. If you really want to be a brand you need to be clear about the basic analogy of Social Media Platform. Engage with your audience in such a way that you don’t just build a social media platform campaign but a community.

This can certainly help you to achieve higher success rate. Make sure that you post at the right time on Facebook. Thursday is recommended mostly for all type of businesses. It is to be believed that 1 p.m on Thursday is the most active period.

Wrapping It Up

So, these are the ways you can leverage the Facebook and get the maximum result out of it.

I hope you like my views on this topic. Did I miss something? Let me know through comments. Till then have fun!!!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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