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7 New Year’s Resolution to Make College Life Easy!

New Year is the best time of the year to come up with some new resolutions, and to ditch your old terrible habits. Make your college life easy and better, with the top 7 new years’ resolution you, as a college student should try to adopt. When in college, you are prone to fall in some unproductive behaviors and habits. This happens because college life is living in a crowded dorm with your best maters. Although, having fun is not bad, but, getting rid of bad habits sounds like a good idea as well. Below, we have listed some of the best new year’s resolution, so try to take them up, and stick to the; for, they will make your life far more graceful, and better.

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1. Make a Friend in Each class

This is not just to make as many best friends as you can, though this is a plus point. But, the point of befriending at least one person in each of your class is a backup plan for you. Let’s say; you are tied somewhere, and can’t make it to the class. Having a friend you can rely on, in each class proves to be helpful here, as you can text them to get the lecture note that you’ve missed. Or, if you are having problems solving your assignment, or need help in something, you can always ask them for some help.

2. Organize Your Room

Living in a dorm is a nightmare for some. It is small, crowded, and above all, if it is untidy, then, imagine who difficult it will become for you to survive there? So, to make a best living situation, you need to organize your room. Get rid of the things you don’t want, and assemble the ones you need, in a neat pile. After, a hectic day at college, a neat and tidy dorm room will surely make you happy, and plus, finding things will be a lot easier for you.

3. Enjoy Yourself

You must not stress about finding a soul mate. College, is all about; learning and having fun. Don’t go to college only because you are looking for true love; believe me, you will have ample of time for that, later in life. All that should be important for you is, your education, and let go of the other things. Have fun, enjoy, party, because at the end, you are going to miss this time in your life. College is the best time of one’s life, so don’t fret about finding love, just because your friends are in a relationship. Let go of everything.

4. Look for an Internship Opportunity

Most students wait for their senior year for internships; don’t be like them. Try to get one as early as you can, and try to finish more throughout your time in college. Internships will provide you access to the outside world, it will offer you an experience and is a good place for networking. If you want to be employed in a good company later in life, try to cover as many internships as you can.

5. Read A lot

This may sound unreasonable, but set time out to read. Reading is important and it will do wonders to your grades. Try to read for an hour each night before going to bed. Reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary, and it will help you shed that extra stress. Try reading and feel the difference.

6. Visit your High School Friends

Don’t let go of your school buddies. Try to stay connected with them, not only through the internet, but come up with some plan to meet them up. It is always fun meeting your school friends. Meet them, and tell them your college experience, and listen to theirs. It’s always good meeting up old friends every now and then. If you are not sure about your friends, you can find them online by using Truthfinder’s people search feature that can actually save you time and money on finding your bestie.

7. Don’t Miss Your Class

Every college student misses class every now and then. Don’t be among them. Missing a lecture without a valid reason is a bad idea. Don’t waste your father’s money. Promise yourself this New Year that you won’t miss on a class without any valid excuse. You will learn a lot more while attending a lecture. Take notes according to your understanding and achieve good grades.

It is very easy to deviate from the new year’s resolution, but try not to, this year around. This 7 college New Year resolution will make your life a lot easier.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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