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How to bid on UPWORK Successfully

Now a days, people have found a new freelancing tool that is Upwork, but they don’t know how to use it, how to generate business from it?
Creating a profile on Upwork, doesn’t give you any profit until you start using it in right way.

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Sometimes people think we placed bids on many projects but not getting any positive response from it. Today I will tell you the some golden rules to win the bid on upwork.

I’ve been freelancing from the last 5 years and upon my experience I would like to suggest. Bidding plays an important part. Some of the bullet point are given below.

These are some important points while bidding:

Always send your proposal with your bid.

Your proposal always contains this line “Your invitation over the private chat is highly appreciated.”

The bidding amount should neither be too low nor too higher; keep it moderate an average bid size.

Never use slang words like Your to “ur”, AND to “n”, always talk in professional way

Try to be at first while bidding on the projects because it gives an impressive feel to the employees.

Make sure there should not be any spelling or grammatical error.

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1. Never copy paste your proposal

Always use a different proposal in every bid. Don’t copy paste your proposal. Try to write related to project, client always want to see what you have learnt from the job post. Sometimes doing copy paste become dangerous because most upworks clients want a guy who is speaking to their specific needs. Then show the relevant examples like ecoomerce, mobile app etc.

2. Complete your profile

Always keep your profile up to date. Your profile is the only thing by which the client gets to know about your success story. Keep updating your latest samples. If you want you can also add the logo to your profile to give it more professional look. Also add a promotional YouTube Video so that a client can access from your profile. Try to keep it short, or it is just a demo of you work, showing your skill or testimonials from your clients. Most of the clients check your profile before reading your proposals, so this is the first and the beast way to make an impression.

3. The Early Bid Gets The Worm

Whenever you saw the job post try to bid on it as early as possible, sometimes it also leave a good impression on the client, If your proposal is on the first then he/she will definitely remember your name or open your proposal once, plus there will be a chance of getting a PMB.To know more about the upcoming projects you can also subscribe to the upwork newsletter, which will send you the latest jobs every day according to your categories. While searching through jobs you can also sort it by bids lowest to highest.

4. Make Your Proposal a Sponsored Proposal

While it will generally cost you twice the ‘connects’ to make your proposal a sponsored proposal, it’s worth it to show the client that you believe enough in his or her freUpWork project to put that extra expenditure out. Sponsored bids are also more likely in general to be considered by clients.

5. Have Good Samples

Showing good work examples never be underestimate on upwork. This the only thing through which your client can judge you. So always put you best work first. For an agency it’s good to have a proper and well maintained website to showcase your work, while for freelancer there should be a proper link to their relevant examples. If you are looking for web hosting then their many free sites which provide you hosting to your samples.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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