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7 Things That a Good SEO Firm Should Do to Its Client

Before Hiring a digital marketing agency in Melbourne for your business, you need to first know what to expect from them. This will give you knowledge that will aid in decision making and in budgeting. Understating what an SEO firm can do for your business will also help you in the hiring process because you will be able to know what to look for.
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The following are things to expect from a credible SEO agency.

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1. Research

SEO starts with researching followed by auditing and finally by analysis. Websites are not the same and therefore an SEO agency should first start by doing research on you site to determine their next step. This research will aid in setting goals for your SEO optimizations in your business. Keyword research is also a part of research step. This will be used to determine keywords in your industry that will bring about the best results.

2. Analysis

Tools such as Google analytics will be used to determine the way your site was performing initially. This will be used to give information and data to launch successful SEO strategies for your website. Analysis will also help in determining whether your site is in compliance with the set guidelines on SEO. This will ensure that all the SEO strategies will run as planned without any setbacks.

3. Site Audit

When the researching and analyzing is done, an SEO agency will then conduct an in-depth site audit to determine other key factors such as site load speed, interlinking, URL structure, tags, contents among others. This audit can also go further to determine the metrics such as conversion rate and profits.

4. Optimization

After these, the SEO agency will now start optimizing your site. There are several ways in which they will use to optimize your site. These include redesigning your site to make it more responsive. They should also redesign the codes so that they will be SEO friendly. This can include complete redesigning of your site or making some cleanup to the already existing site codes.

5. Link Building

A good SEO agency should also offer link building services. Most people think that Search engine Optimization is a onetime service but the truth is there need to be constant improvement and tweaking. This includes creating new links to relevant sites for optimum exposure to your site. An SEO agency should also be able to get rid of harmful links that may negatively affect your site.

6. Brand Monitoring and Competitor Research

Conducting brand monitoring involves making sure that you company is well represented online. The links to you website should be relevant to your brand. When an agency conduct a competitor research, to determine what the competitors are doing and relate that to your site. A competitor’s site can be a good source of inspiration and here, your SEO agency will gather some helpful practices that they can implement on your own site to make you move ahead of your competitors.

7. Outreach

An SEO agency should be able to create links with thousands of website that are relevant to your own. This will aid in promoting your content and in generating links for your website. All these are the things that a credible SEO agency should be able to do to you. With all these, your site will rank high on search engine and improve your business.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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