HomeBlog10 Reasons to use PHP Laravel Framework for Website Development

10 Reasons to use PHP Laravel Framework for Website Development

Laravel is a young framework and is getting popular day by day. It is one of the best PHP framework to develop large and scalable web application. Laravel is being used by many industries nowadays.It has expressive and elegant syntax. Laravel makes web development simple and fast. Laravel is an open-source PHP application framework.Many companies are choosing Laravel for web development due to its dynamic nature.

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php laravel framework

It supports a lot of parameters. This platform helps developers to develop innovative products and increase the services quality. Laravel has many features such as a development platform, simplified usage, and a large ecosystem. Laravel follows simple multi-view controller architecture.It is easy to update new entries and databases filed in Laravel framework.It has become the first choice of companies for web development. In Laravel framework, developers can create their own infrastructure that will be specifically designed for their application.

Let us see top 10 reasons to use PHP Laravel Framework for web development:

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1. Open Source

Being an open-source PHP web application framework it makes web development free and easy to process. You can easily build complex and large web applications by maintaining code. It is mainly designed for multi-view controller architecture web applications.It has become the most popular framework for web development in recent years. It is fully compatible with the web hosting accounts with a better option to built projects.One can easily develop huge and complicated web applications using this Laravel framework.

2. Quick Development

Laravel can deal with huge web development projects. Many PHP development companies have started using Laravel framework for the web development. Laravel is the most in-demand PHP framework for web development nowadays.As Laravel has dynamic capabilities to handle big web development projects, most of the companies are adopting this framework.Many developers prefer Laravel over to other frameworks because of the performance, features, scalability it offers for the web development.

3. Multi-View Controller Architecture

Laravel uses MVC pattern for the clarification between logic and presentation. This architecture enhances the performance and this allows for better documentation and includes a number of built-in applications.It includes a number of built-in applications and it allows for a better documentation process.It has several built-in features.This multi-view controller architecture enables rapid web development. This architecture improves the performance of the website. This architecture makes Laravel the best PHP framework for the development.

4. Template Design

The lightweight templates of Laravel have the ability to build outstanding layouts. It includes dynamic content scattering. A variety of widgets that have CSS and JS code with solid structures are included in this framework. For uncomplicated webpage design with separate areas, we have built-in web templates in these frameworks.It is one of the highlighting features of Laravel framework. You can create impressive layouts very easily.

5. Security

No framework is completely secure with online hazards. Laravel framework offers a significant level of security measures which is not available in any other framework. It depends on a Laravel developer, how one writes the code and its structure. Laravel offers security tokens called CSRF tokens which take care of security. These tokens are used to check each request on the POST and protect from someone who might change the POST to GET the request.By implementing a variety of authentication processes Laravel can make it easier for you to build secure web applications.

6. Eloquent ORM

A feature called Eloquent ORM comes within the Laravel framework. You can work with databases through ActiveRecord implementation by this ORM system. You can perform common database operations through this model. You do not need to write complex SQL queries you can simply define the model and can perform common database operations. In order to synchronize databases running on different development machines, you can use Laravel database migration at the same time.The developer can easily work with the database and enquire regarding the data with PHP syntax without writing an SQL code.

7. Flexible

Laravel framework is flexible to use due to this reason many developers are preferring Laravel. It has many inbuilt libraries. Various kinds of authorization libraries are integrated properly in the Laravel framework. It is able to support so many different kinds of development environments due to this reason.Many hypertext preprocessor frameworks do not have these kinds of autocomplete features that Laravel framework has. This kind of features shows its flexibility.

8. Customized

To get a customized website that looks and feels exactly how you would want it to be, you can hire laravel developer to create such website. Laravel has several individual modules, which is it’s another advantage. You can use the virtually-innumerable modules and customize your website by using 20 separate libraries that Laravel framework has. You can make your site and apps modular, intuitive, responsive, and friendly for the users with the help of Laravel framework or features.You can create sites and apps that match the demands of the business that you are involved in by using this hypertext preprocessor framework. It is the best framework to work with for the website development.

9. Caching

Caching is the most important thing in web development. You can perform easy caching duties like storing objects in a database or file from the essential caching system offered by Laravel. You even have the choice to combine the net framework seamlessly with fashionable caching methods like Redis, APC, and Memcached at the same time. By integrating a caching system into Laravel you will be able to simply improve the efficiency of huge scale net utility. You can easily enhance the performance of large-scale web application by using this caching system.

10. Cloud Storage

For web development using Laravel, Cloud Storage is an interesting and important feature to include.You can work with two main file systems, like Amazon S3 and Rackspace Cloud Storage by using this Laravel framework. Laravel provides the same API for both storage options you can even choose one between the two.

Laravel framework provides easy setup and customization process.It offers fast and secure development possibilities. It is an open-source platform it will provide well-organized, reusable and maintainable code. It is simple to learn as you will be ready for developing.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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