HomeBlogA Surefire Guide to Boost Your Instagram Followers

A Surefire Guide to Boost Your Instagram Followers

Instagram! If you do not already have an account on it, oh dear! There is so much to catch up on. I understand the fact that some people are not that social and do not like to spend their time scrolling past on social media. But if you are trying to run a business, there is no way that you can do advertisement without the help of any of these social sites.

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boost your followers on instagram

When it comes to business and advertisements, Instagram is leading. Here what you need to understand is that making only an account will not help at all, you need to have a major following as well. Now again a question arises that how to gain Instagram followers quickly. We asked some famous account on Instagram this question, and some of the answers were quite interesting and unique than what other people have been telling you.

Here is a brief guide to boost your Instagram followers.

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Socialize with other accounts

There is a reason Instagram is called a social site. If you have an account, make full use of it. Like other people posts and leave a nice comment. By doing this more often people are going to notice your presence. If you are never making your social circle, how is it going to increase? Interact with new people. Make friends with them. Appreciate other people’s efforts. Encourage them to keep going with the good stuff. Also promote other accounts too, even if they have not said it. Positive feedback is never ignored. If you do promotions for someone, they are going to return your favour as well.

Start Tagging and Utilize Hashtags

Another way to gain more engagement is by reminding people of you by sending them a notification. You can tag people by using the “@” feature provided by Instagram. This feature tags them and your post will also appear in their accounts tagging option. You must have seen people who are stars of social media, that they have tagged different people in their tags.

Another point is that use hashtags more often. From a recent survey, accounts which can attack a vast number of followers, use hashtags quite a lot. Hashtags were created for sole purpose of promotions. It combines all the related photos from Instagram to one single platform.

Add location

Posting pictures of beautiful places and delicious foods without adding a location is quite insolent. If your business involves some corporeal location, always add the location. It does as a promotional work for the place, and if someone is searching for that place, your post is also going to appear. The basic task of yours is making your posts as visible as possible. Adding location will do that work for you and help your followers be updated with the latest trends all the times.

Tell followers to help you

In this age, everyone is aware of these business techniques. If you need any favour from them, they are probably going to help you with that. Ask them to like your posts. As per the recent Instagram algorithm, liking stuff will also do the promotional work. When you like some post, it is going to appear in your activity block. When people are going through their searches, they too will see the post. Now if the post is interesting enough, people are going to follow.

Ask your followers to share your post as well, if one person shares your post that means all of his followers are going to look at it too, which is also a very practical technique for doubling your followers count.

Advertise Your Business

Seeing this trend of growing business on Instagram, Instagram itself has offered paid advertisement. If you avail this opportunity, Instagram is going to sponsor your advertisement on different accounts. Most of the time when you are going through stories, you see stories from accounts you don’t follow with the title of “sponsored”. These are paid advertisements. It has proven to be very effective. But the drawback is that, stories disappear after 24 hours.

If you avail other high paid packages, Instagram will sponsor the post to people dashboards. This attracts followers in substantial numbers. If something appears on dashboards, people are going to pay some attention to it. If you are lucky enough, they are going to follow your page.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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