HomeBlog8 Tips to Take Your Drone Videography Skills to the Next Level

8 Tips to Take Your Drone Videography Skills to the Next Level

If you are a newbie to drone videography, then your first attempts at taking aerial videos will mostly be exploratory in nature where you try to check out every setting and option offered by the drone. However, once you are past that phase, you will need to have a good skill set to ensure that your drone videos can match and supersede the videos of others. Below, we check out eight tips that can help take your basic drone videography skills to the next level.

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drone videography tricks

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Lower ISO

Generally, drone cameras have a sensor which is smaller than normal cameras. As such, higher ISO values don’t work too well with these cameras. In fact, you will likely see noise and other artifacts in the images and videos once you set the ISO values at about 100 or more. Hence, it is advisable that you keep your ISO at low values as much as possible. And if you are faced with lighting difficulties and would like the image to be more exposed to light, then try tinkering with the shutter speed and aperture rather than reducing the ISO.


Want to capture videos that can make people go gaga over them? Then try to include shots of patterns when shooting a video. For example, you can fly the drone over a well-maintained public garden and capture the neatly arranged patterns of shrubs, flower beds, and so on. And since human beings are naturally inclined to like patterns, your video will definitely create a very positive impact in the minds of the viewers.

Lights and Shadows

This is one of the oldest tricks of photography and which can be easily applied to great effect in drone videography – utilize light and shadows to your advantage. For example, if you are planning to capture an aerial view of a city, don’t try to do it at night. Instead, try capturing the video of the place in early morning or evenings where the sunlight will create interesting shadow effects on the cityscape. This will give depth and texture to the video and make it look more interesting. And in case you need guidance on how light and shadows can be used to create stunning imagery, check out the latest AirVuz News and go through their video collection.

Auto Exposure Bracketing

Some drone cameras offer an auto exposure bracketing feature to its users. What this allows you to do is to take multiple shots of the same picture with varying exposures and settings. This will allow you to either select the photo with the best exposure or combine the multiple photos into a single one by selecting the best sections of each photo. So, in case the camera you are using does have an auto exposure bracketing option, be sure to utilize it fully.


The attractiveness of a video will depend greatly on how its colors impact the viewers. Aerial videos that do not have many colors and instead rely on a monochromatic color palette tend to generate far less interest than a video that looks colorful. And this is quite understandable. After all, people generally look for happiness and cheerfulness in their life. As such, a colorful video that gives off positive vibes will surely attract more people than the video with a dull color palette.

Lens Filters

Since you are shooting from up above the skies, you should expect difficulties with reflections and glares under very bright conditions. This obviously will make your video look bad. The best way to get over it is to use lens filters that enable you to limit the light that reaches the drone camera’s sensor, thereby allowing you to eliminate such issues while at the same time helping you enhance the quality of the image..

Horizon Shots

Try to include shots of the horizon into your video, especially one that involves either sunset or sunrise. Such shots usually add a magical quality to the video. You can also combine it with the above suggestion of using shadows. This will give the shots some complex aesthetic that will surely intrigue the viewers of the video. Plus, focus on angles to take videos from interesting perspectives.


Another good way to make a drone video look good is by including shots that contain repetitive objects. For example, when you take an aerial video of a shipping container pickup service, then you will easily find that the containers are arranged in a repetitive manner. Including the shots of such a location will only go on to make your video look more interesting and well structured.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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