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DIY Tips to Improve Your Website Speed

WordPress is the most robust and steady content management system that ever venture into the digital realm. Website build in WordPress is fast, responsive, and very multitasking. All you need to do is a plan and build.

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Website Speed is very crucial when it comes to user experience. Everyone loves fast websites. If your website loads slow, then you might lose a lot of potential business opportunity in some split seconds. People expect a website to load within 5 seconds at max. After that, you will lose your audience exponentially. So, you need to be more subtle than that.

DIY Tips to Improve Your Website Speed

In this post, I will give you a list of five DIYs (Do It Yourself) that will help you to optimize your website effectively and immediately. So, let’s get started with it.

Here we go,

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Why is Page Speed Important?

Page Speed is important. Why am I saying that? Well, all of the search engines like Google and Bing are very concise about the website speed from 2010 onwards. I hope you all understand the relevance of organic traffic for the health of your online business or blog. It is just as same as organic food for health. Very Crucial!!!

There are three pointers that tell you the importance of page speed for ranking good in the search results of search engines.

These ranking factors are,

A fast website will make users happy and then they tend to stay for longer durations.
Effectively reduces the operating costs.
Increases sales visibly.

Now, tell me, who don’t want that for their online business!!!!!! Everyone wants that and everyone gets that. All you need to do is speed up your website and things are done.

5 DIYs to Improve Your Website’s Speed

âž” Optimize and Display Images Correctly

Here, the key role is of the size of the file. You must have heard the phrase which says, heavier you are, harder you fall. Yes, something like that and things can really turn against you. So, you need to make sure that your visitor doesn’t have to wait for decades to load the images.

You need to make sure that everything you do must be lightweight. Many designers just fail to provide compressed images for your website that can drastically downgrade the volume of traffic on your website.

This is also the most common problem with all the amateurs who build website either by using WordPress or Wix. They upload images directly from their devices and that is where blunder starts. You need to reduce the size of the image. That will automatically reduce the size of the file.

For this purpose, you can make the use of some optimizing tools such as Picnik and Image Optimizer. Believe me, your visitors will be delighted by this change.

âž” Minify the Codes

The PHP, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript codes are the essentials of a website. However, they are also heavy too. Optimization is a process where you will not eliminate the heavy object but make them lighter.

How you suppose to minify the codes!!!!! Well, that’s easy, all you need is to eliminate all the whitespace in between the lines of the codes. That will significantly minify the size of the server file which in return speeds your website up.

I guess you know by now what happens when your website is fast!!! More traffic, low bounce back rate. What Else you want!

If you have a WordPress website, then you can minify all your Code files with the help of WordPress plugins such as WP-Minify and W3 Total Cache. Use it and speed up.

âž” Make Use of a CDN

If you wish to spread globally then you might need to consider a Content Delivery Network. When a website is opened in a browser across the country, it usually takes the time that is enough to irritate your viewer, hence increase the bounce rate of your website which is not a good sign for your website and your business.

So, make use of CDN on your website, it will cache the static elements of your website across the different servers and dramatically reduces the bounce rate by decreasing the page load time of your website.

CDNs are considered to be the most efficient way to speed up your website. Some call it an effective turbocharger of a website. So, make use of a CDN and speed your website up.

âž” Utilize Browser Caching

Caching your website automatically, dramatically increase the page load time of your website. By browser caching, you don’t have to pull out every time a static copy of your website. This reduces the number of steps and believes me, significantly reduces the page load time.

With browser caching, you are significantly decreasing the page load time. Use these codes to enable browser caching on your website. The ExpiresByType directive is used to tell the browsers about the files to cache. The code below would tell our visitors’ browsers to hang onto HTML, CSS, Javascript, and images, and favicon for an hour,

IfModule mod_expires.c
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/html M3600
ExpiresByType text/css M3600
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript M3600
ExpiresByType image/bmp M3600
ExpiresByType image/gif M3600
ExpiresByType image/x-icon M3600
ExpiresByType image/jpeg M3600

Now, you’re done.

âž” Choose link over @import

This can be very crucial for those whose target audience uses Internet Explorer a lot. So, just remember that whenever you add any stylesheet on your website, always link to the files instead of importing. The truth is IE handles them differently that can cause trouble to your website. IE handles the imported stylesheet as a reference, which is why it hung at the bottom of the document. So, beware fellas.

Wrapping It Up!!!

So, these are the top 5 DIYs that will help you to keep your website fast and furious (?). Let’s have a quick recap on the ways you can increase the speed of your website.

➢ Eliminate all the whitespace in between the lines of the codes.
➢ CDNs are considered to be the most efficient way to speed up your website.
➢ Caching your website automatically, dramatically increase the page load time of your website.
➢ You need to reduce the size of the image. That will automatically reduce the size of the file.
➢ Whenever you add any stylesheet on your website, always link to the files instead of importing.

I hope you like my post. Leave a comment and let me know your views on this topic. Cheers Mate!!!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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