HomeBlogExclusive E-commerce Trends To Expand Largely In 2018

Exclusive E-commerce Trends To Expand Largely In 2018

The eCommerce arena is growing rapidly at a fast rate and its wide acceptance has shown that it will continue to break the records in the coming future as well. The reason is, huge dependency of the crowd on the digital means to make any purchase. No matter which domain type you carry, it is quintessential to follow the best practices so that you can render the best to your audiences.

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There is always a room open for advancement and this is the major cause that Magento, the leader of eCommerce websites is taking heights of success by allowing something refreshing in its latest version. Magento 2.2.2, the newest edition is the perfect example of the honest efforts made by Magento community by flowing in the wind of technological improvements.

ecommerce trends 2018

There are multiple aspects of the recent trends (which born each day) that one should follow in Magento Ecommerce development. These are expected to bring a transformation in the online shopping landscape.

Let’s check what they are-

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1. Deep integration of AI with machine learning

In the recent scenario, it is practically not possible to deny the deep-end amalgamation of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the upcoming years. Machine learning has been effortlessly integrated into multiple eCommerce systems with the aim to perform different functionalities, ranging from imparting better search functionality to deliver improved product recommendation designs.

The past era has been recognized with improved results through the chatbots. There are certain helpful apps that serve the functioning of different tasks like assisting transactional functionality or problem resolution.

A good example of these bots are some of the chatbot tools that allow conversational agents to make flawless transaction with Facebook Messenger. It allows improved transaction to handle payments directly through the app. As a result, users are not forced to process the transaction on some other website.

2. Omni-channel Platform

Online shopping has become a multi-channel experience to serve the customers with marketing and selling tactics for a cohesive customer experience. Google states that about 85% of online shoppers initiates their buying on one device and finish on another one.

This multi-channel user base target demands eCommerce to be seamlessly incorporated across multiple channels and devices with an intent that the users feel as if they are making an interaction with continuity.

This analysis compels your eCommerce strategy to contain a consistent design, navigation, branding, sales system, payment gateways and advertising.

3. Voice Searches

voice searches

In this tech-savvy age of smartphones, users need blazing fast responses and the hands-free experience. It simply states the capability to search and act with a single word. Voice search has gain prominence in these times due to the popularity of voice assistants like Google Assistant and Alexa.

Reports have revealed that about 40 percent millennials use a voice assistant before moving for online shopping. This rate seems to grow by 50% till 2020. The maximum voice searches have either local intent or seek answers to straightforward questions that are easy to answer.

4. Research online, purchase offline

This trend is becoming a habit for most of the consumers in the hope of the best possible deal. It simply allows the retailer to render a seamless shopping experience to the customers. This trend is a big boon for the consumer behavior where shoppers search relevant information to qualify their purchase decisions.

A common habit of the consumers of today is, they will look for the online reviews for a genuine feedback before the final purchase. This makes them confident about what they are investing is beneficial.

5. Automation

Automation is the best way to scale your eCommerce business. In this fast-running arena, there is no use to consume time on manual tasks with no tangible ROI when you can use an automation tool for the same. As huge number of eCommerce entrepreneurs are using social media to drive traffic and sales, it becomes important to automate the process in the best way.

There are numerous virtual assistant kits powered by Shopify that is featured with so many benefits such as creating social ad campaigns for Facebook and Instagram, integrating with other Shopify apps and maintaining automated email marketing. A large number of shoppers are using these messenger apps to make fine communication with the businesses instead of traditional methods like email or phones.

6. M-commerce


In the conventional process, eCommerce arena was meant to build a desktop website and then produce a mobile experience over it. After that, you can develop an app. The prime motto is to create a top-notch mobile experience for its users. With the passage of time, things have changed a lot for the online retailers it seems to make an overhaul in the coming years.

One of the eCommerce marketing trends in 2018 is the use of online visual merchandising practices which are essential if you want to maximize your store conversions. Visual merchandising refers to the use of graphic elements for the products on sale on a online store website to create an appearance of professionalism and encourage sales. By displaying videos and pictures in a visual and inviting way, you can extend the amount of time visitors spend on your website. Thus, the chances of conversions will increase. For example, visual-merchandising elements can include images of related products to encourage someone shopping for one item to also purchase another. Organizing such images in an enticing way is essential for your online store success.

Studies have proved that mobile commerce will bring up to 40% of the eCommerce revenue at the end of the year 2018.

7. Storytelling

Brand stories are in great demand to connect with the customers and drive the sales. This is because inviting consumers to come at your place is not enough. You need to present an exhilarating shopping experience to them and creative brand stories are the good ways to do the same. An expert content strategist might play a strong role to create appealing stuff for your eCommerce audiences.

These stories are not meant to be pasted on your website and in turn consume the web space. They need to be efficiently applied for different aspects of your business. It can be anything from order confirmation and packaging to even social media and newsletters.

Wrapping Up

Magento theme development is gaining heights of success in the current digital marketplace. The reason are endless. Plethora of plugins and extensions that it offers, adds points to the functionalities that it imparts. Cherry on the cake, above-listed technological trends are the gateway to add best-in-class traits to your website design. Adopting these methods will guarantee to bring the latest functionalities to a brand to make it stand ahead of its peers.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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