HomeBlogEffective Social Media Marketing Strategies for B2B Tech Companies

Effective Social Media Marketing Strategies for B2B Tech Companies

A popular misconception about Social Media is that it only connects an entrepreneur to its customers. Very few people are aware of how powerful a tool it can be when it comes to marketing of B2B companies.

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Social media has proven to be a revolutionary marketing tool and is no longer restricted to just B2C companies. These days B2B tech companies do not hesitate in testing the waters of social media to see what it has to offer to them. Social media marketing is a great tool to generate awareness about anything that is new on the block and this is something that even large B2B companies have started to realise.

B2B tech companies have understood the potential of social media to interact and begin a conversation with their target audience. Social media is lucrative for knowledge centric niche as well such as IT or finance provided you implement the strategy in the right way.

So if you are a proud entrepreneur of a B2B Tech company then you must devise a social media strategy that helps you to take your business to greater heights. Here are some effective social media marketing strategies that increase your website traffic, leads and sales:


Think About Your Buyer Persona

When we speak about Buyer persona we are actually talking about the personality of your potential buyers. Knowing their personality involves being aware of their likes and dislikesand being well acquainted with their lifestyle choices. Being aware of your Buyer Persona will help you target them in an orderly fashion and empower you to tap onthe potential customers who you haven’t been able to reach previously. What kind of information would be of help to them? What type of social media platforms do they like to use?

This way, you can mark your presence on that particular social media platform and widen the reach of your company. So you should take efforts to have a strong presence on those social media networks where your target clients are already present.

Highlight Your Profiles

Social media is like the embassy that a country establishes to act as a central point for all communication with the concerned authority. Your profile must include your company’s logo, services, testimonials, contact details, client list and more. The graphics and dimensions used in the website should be attractive and easily comprehensible. The keywords should be related and your website should also include some back links that make it easier for them to understand the content and also encourages them to read more about you.

Followers Engagement

Engagement is an essential aspect of any social media marketing strategy. In fact it is so important that the ultimate success or failure of the strategy depends on the quality of engagement. Social media engagement has two important aspects to it, first the number of followers your company has and second how you go about interacting with them.

But remember social media engagement isn’t just restricted to the likes and comments that you get on your posts. It includes clicks, web traffic and conversions as well. In order to engage maximum followers, your content should be so crisp and informative that it entices every viewer and influences them to read more about your brand and its services.

Lead Generation

lead genration
Your social media goal must be realistic. You would love to triple your lead generation within a month, but chances are that won’t happen. If you are starting from scratch and have no historical data to back your actions your efforts will only qualify as an educated guess. For help, you can look up to other companies in your industry and try to figure out what social media strategies they are following and then hit the market. In this way, you’ll get genuine leads that can be easily converted into clients.

Content is Fire

content is king
If content is fire, social media is a fuel. Your content should be so precise and knowledgeable that it hits every reader’s mind as fast as fuel catches fire. You should add informative blog posts every day to increase traffic on your website. It is necessary for you to actively market your blog content to a larger audience. You can also your readers with quality Gated content which includes White Papers, EBooks Webinar Invites, Podcasts, Instructional Videos and Recordings.

Put the Right Team

right team
Your social media team should have the perfect combination of experience and fresh perspective. They should come up with a proper social media strategy, which is in complete alignment with your business goals and acts as your voice and face on digital platforms.

The people who post on your behalf should always know your plan, services and your vision. These platforms are the quickest way to get feedback about your brand. When your team informs you about the reviews straight from the viewers, traffic reports, lead generation reports and more you will alter your business strategy accordingly to get improved results.

You can also hire a team of freelancers that can work remotely from their respective homes and provide you with the much-needed exposure on social media networks.

Select The Right Tool

All social media tools are not created equally. Amongst them, LinkedIn is one of the top B2B social media marketing tools. It’s a great place to establish your company as a thought leader. This tool will help you to connect with potential sales leads. Pinterest can also be used when you need to feature your IT products and services. So you should invest in tools that are most relevant to your company.

Concluding Thoughts

So think of it as a fishing exercise.It doesn’t make much sense if you keep chasing the fish when you can fish where the fishes are. Whether your aim is to engage with your target audience, convert leads or to retain existing customers, social media can be your one stop solution for all perils.

Attention is a rare commodity online and if you are able to grab their attention with your content then your content strategy shall have succeeded in its objective. By striking good conversations and floating quality ideas, your tech company will be successful in gaining the trust of your audience and more importantly, give them a reason to keep coming back for more.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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