HomeAndroidList of Common Android Errors with their Solutions

List of Common Android Errors with their Solutions

No platform has built hitherto that doesn’t have issues. There will always be loopholes, vulnerabilities, and issues with everything built by humans. Android isn’t perfect too. Its users have reported many issues since its inception. No matter how much better the next version is from the previous version, Android always have one or the other issue.

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Regardless of how brilliant the framework is, android app development web services will probably miss one thing for sure.

Though these concerns aren’t big enough to ignore Android, we still need to address them. In this post, we will talk about some common problems in Android phones, and how we can solve them.

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1) Battery Drainage

The most common problem with any smartphone is a battery issue. Irrespective of how well the battery back-up is instilled in any phone, it will always drain in a couple of hours, given you are not using the right ways to address battery issues. The best way to solve this problem is by selecting the battery-saving mode available on most of the Android phones. Also, adjust the brightness according to the requirement. If you are inside your home or any shelter, keep the brightness mode at 40%. In the night, reduce it to 15%-20%. However, when you go out into the brightness, you can push the auto-brightness to 80% for better screen-visibility under the Sun.

2) Slow User Interface

As the internal storage begun to fill up, the Android phones start slowing down. This doesn’t happen if you have enough empty space on your phone. The reason is simple: more the data in your phone, high Ram is required to process the framework. You can solve this problem by removing unused apps, photos, and videos. Also, close apps that are no longer in use when operating your Android phone. In addition, you can delete the app’s cache data by visiting Settings > Apps, and choose “Clear Cache” option.

3) Connectivity Issues

This issue comprises of when an Android phone doesn’t connect to other phones or devices via Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or Hotspot. There is no particular fault that is causing this issue; however, it is a manufacturing defect that can cause either of these mediums to malfunction at times.

To solve this problem, you can simply toggle the Airplane mode for about 30 seconds. Sometimes, it can be done by toggling the function you are trying to use, like if you are connecting your headphones via Bluetooth, and the device isn’t connecting, toggle off Bluetooth button for about 15 seconds, and then try connecting again. If you can’t connect at all, try visiting the nearest service store. Your phone might need a small repair.

4) Google Now Isn’t Working

Google Now on the Android device can behave a bit finicky sometimes, but it is so far one of the best products of android mobile app development. You have to be very specific with your commands. This function understands particular commands that consist of two or more factors. So, if you are asking about the weather, ask for which day, location or time too. It won’t show the result of asking simply ‘weather’. You have to provide two or more factors to fetch results using Google Now.

5) Stuck Text Messages

This problem is faced by Android users while sending a message via Wi-Fi or cellular network. Sometimes, the message gets stalled on the phone and doesn’t even leave after sending it again. If you face such issues with messages, try restarting your device once. Also, make sure you have entered the right Message Center number if you are using cellular messaging service. If the problem persists, install the third-party messaging app.

6) Overheating

Certain Android phones get overheated after a particular period of time. What you can do to avoid overheating is stop using your phone when it is getting charged. Also, avoid playing games that require high processing speed for longer periods. Overheating of Android phones can also be caused if there is a manufacturing defect. If you have tried everything on your end to stop overheating, visit a professional. Your phone might have some manufacturing defect.

7) Apps won’t Download

If you do not have enough space in your phone, and the apps are not downloading, it makes sense; however, if your phone has ample of space, and you still face this issue, you need to take care of a couple of factors that might be causing this issue. The main cause is probably a corrupt cache. First of all, clear the Google Play store’s cache by going to the ‘Settings’.

If you are still not able to download, wipe Google Play history. Visit Google Play store on your phone, click on the three dots on the top left of the screen to open the menu, click on ‘Settings’ and then tap on “Clear local search history’. It will restart the app download. If nothing works, uninstall the play store, and reinstall it.


Some other common problems include bad auto-correct suggestions, home screen clutter and too many contacts, which can be addressed by simply making some changes in your settings. All these and the above problems are quick to solve, and doesn’t really cause major issues, which is why Android phones have the bigger share of the market. Let us know what kind of problems you face so we try to address them in our next post.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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