HomeBlog10 SEO Tricks for Magento Ecommerce Website

10 SEO Tricks for Magento Ecommerce Website

There are many reasons as to why Magento should be your chosen platform for creating an ecommerce site. It has very attractive and innovative features which give you the opportunity to input desired functionality and implement those qualities that make your site wonderful for visitors.

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seo tips for magento ecommerce website

This platform gives you complete control over the way in which you want to design your online shop. It is also very search engine friendly, which means it will give your site features by which it is easily picked by search engines and listed in results.

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Why Does Your Site Need SEO?

Today every site has to implement search engine optimization techniques for it to be listed in the top ten search results. Through these techniques, the site will become more visible to search engines which will index it and retrieve it fast in search results. This quality is of utmost importance for ecommerce sites as they should appear to people when they make searches using the desktop, laptop, and even Smart phone. SEO is vital for them especially in catching customers during searches done on mobile devices.

A site that is visible to search engines is able to reach out to its target audience more effectively. It is able to spread brand awareness which in turn results in higher profits. Through an optimized site, your brand will gain desired profits in a short while and it will be able to tap into new markets, where it can gain more customers that enhance its brand name. You can hire Magento developer to have the best SEO techniques implemented on your site.

Why Do You Need To Tweak Your Magento Ecommerce Site For Search Engines?

Though Magento Is a search engine friendly platform, what happens when you build a site through it is that some options in it are set to a default value that does not allow the search engine to index the site properly. These have to be undone so that your site is made visible to search engines and they retrieve it in search results.

Here is a look at top ten ways for getting a search engine friendly Magento ecommerce site:

Read More – 9 SEO Tips to Manage Magento Site

1. The titles of all products should describe their images. They should not be a set of words or numbers that don’t make sense. Put in the right keywords for every image title, ensure that alt tags are added to the tile as well as image URL. A site with optimized product images is easily picked by search engines and displayed in results.

2. You will note that Magento has default content for product title and description. This has to be changed to make it more search engine friendly. Go to Configuration and from here select ‘Design’ and then opt for HTML Head. Fill in a keyword rich title and description for the product. Avoid using ‘the’ and keep the keyword at the beginning of the title as this enables search engines to find the product faster.

3. Go to the robot.txt file of the site. It is by default set to ‘No-index Nofollow’. This prevent search engine from indexing your site, so change it to ‘Index, Follow’, which will resolve this problem right away and make your site search engine friendly.

4. Duplicate content should not be present in the site as it is discouraging to search engines. They are specifically looking for sites with unique and informative content. This problem can occur when you have the same product listed under various categories or have variations of the same product in different pages. This problem can be fixed by choosing ’Yes’ for the ‘Set Canonical Link Meta Tag For Categories And Products’ feature.

5. Sites that do not possess are dropped right away by search engines and they don’t get listed on top of search results. Site speed can be increased by enabling cache feature, merging CSS and JS file systems and cutting down on the number of files that can be downloaded from the server.

6. Ensure that a Google site-map is present in the site. This is a very important tool as it helps search engine easily index your site. This map gives search engines details about site link which they can use to crawl it. You can enable sitemap but going to the catalog option and selecting ‘Google Sitemap’ here. Under it, opt for the ‘Add New’ option. For file name you should specify ‘Sitemap.xml’. Fill up the directory on server to which sitemap.xml is saved. In ‘Store View’ select site map and then proceed to save and generate the map.

7. None can deny the power of adding a blog to your ecommerce site. It will immediately attract search engines and they will index it quickly. You can add blog by making use of the free blog extension offered by this platform else you can add a third party framework like WordPress.

8. Get quality inbound links to your site as it adds authenticity it. When search engines find that many other sites are linking to yours, they will increase its page ranks and this will automatically attract visitors.

9. Put Meta Title and Description for your product and content pages. Got to Magento admin, select ‘Products’ and under it ‘Catalog’. When you click the ‘Edit’ option here, you will see search engine optimization options. Click to expand and fill in the Meta Title and Description here.

10. You should enable Google Analytics by selecting Google API under configuration. Here you set the enable option to ‘Yes’ and then type your account number.

Wrapping Up

You can get the maximum out of the Magento ecommerce platform using these techniques which increase page ranks and online popularity. They can be implemented by you or by hiring an experienced Magento development company.

It is only when your site is more visible to search engines can they effectively pull it out and display it in the top ten listings of search results. Sites that get listed this way are considered trustworthy and people immediately click them to make a purchase. Through these methods, you can make your Magento site very search engine friendly and achieve goals in terms of customers and profits.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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