HomeBlog7 Habits You Must Ignore Being a Freelance Writer

7 Habits You Must Ignore Being a Freelance Writer

We are very much aware of the fact that it takes years to build trust and mere a second to break it. Why I mentioned it here because this quote has a pretty good relation with freelance writing. Freelance writing is just a good way of self earning and the easiest way of generating online income.

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There is always a room for improvement so try to learn new things like what is push notification, what are the new methods of doing perfect SEO, how to improve your writing skills. The more you know, will make things easier to become successful.

7 Habits You Must Ignore Being a Freelance Writer

But the same way you built your freelance writing career you can always destroy it also. So always be cautious towards this thing. This article is just to wake you up and open your eyes towards 7 insane habits which can lead your writing career in destruction.

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Never sell yourself cheap

When you have the potential to be a good writer or when you posses the capability of delivering your service as per client requirements then sell it for appropriate revenue. If you have that talent why shouldn’t be you paid for what you provide.
You obviously have the right to negotiate with your customers according to the rates and the power to reject for assignments not worth your service. Selling yourself short hurts your professional freelance writing career.

Addicted towards the social world

All the social media networks affect your writing career a lot. Too much indulging into activities like facebook, twitter etc can have a destructive effect on your writing service. As a freelancer time is an important aspect for you and your success depends too much on your time management. Yes they are also important and beneficial for the kind of service you will provide but they may distract you from performing your duties.

So to avoid all this distractions you must log out from all your accounts and stay focused on your tasks. Manage your time for your social life also but never mix it up.

Take criticism as an advantage

In freelance writing you will surely come across many challenges like criticism of our job. You will meet various types of clients with different mentalities. Some will keep on neglecting your little mistakes like grammar, spelling mistakes and other such silly mistakes but some will be their who will criticize these things only in a weird manner. And yes criticizing hurts your potential to perform the work.

But make it look like a positive way as criticizing is necessary in any career. No hard feelings just take it as your confidence and try even better next time. After all criticism makes a freelancer better and better as you know there is always room for improvement.

Don’t claim to be an expert

This is quite common mistake in freelance writers. Many pretend to be expert in each and every kind of jobs that they might not be capable of completing those but they do it so just to get hired every time.

When you show expertise in an industry your client will expect very high quality work from your side as being an expert you might have deepest knowledge. If you fluff producing apparently low quality work your relation and trust with client will be hampered.

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Too much projects

Sometimes a freelancer accepts all the projects approaching him to earn more and more money but they never realize how they will complete the work within such tight deadlines. So don’t dig your own grave by providing dreadful quality of writing.


Procrastination is also one of the productivity killer will hinders our success very much. Do not keep your work for tomorrow just do it now. Keeping your work due for tomorrow is something which could ruin your career.

Force yourself to write whenever your are free, divide your task in parts, even if you are I a bad mood try writing just to avoid procrastination.

Under promising

Never let your customers down if they ask for little bit of challenging work as they might move or search for other freelancers and you might lose the job, so under promising is a very dangerous habit.


Yes it is fairly easy to earn money being a freelance writer but the fact is every thing has got some cautionary measures. And if you really want to succeed you must keep the above few in mind so that you maintain your shining writing career.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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