HomeBlogBusting All the Myths – 000WebHost Genuine Review & Comparison

Busting All the Myths – 000WebHost Genuine Review & Comparison

Planning to use 000webhost for your website but not sure whether it would be worth it? Are you building a website and need a comprehensive review/comparison of various free web hosting services? Building a website no more needs coding knowledge as such, and there are plenty of free web hosting service providers with their own website builders that let you create your site by simple drag and drop options.

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However, the accessibility and availability of your website matter a lot too as according to a study if your website does not load within 4 seconds, then the users are likely to exit and go to some other website. This can result in loss of potential buyers who might have generated revenue for you had your website responded properly. This is exactly why you should choose 000webhost.com as it the most popular, genuine, and reliable free web hosting service provider in the market. This is reflected in its excellent SEO ranking as Google mostly shows 000webhost at #1 position in search results.


Let’s say that you have great coding skills (or not) and you build a brilliant website with stunning visuals and the best user interface. You have equipped the website with all of the features that you ever wanted. Now, you may face trouble with the size of your website owing to its complex functionality.

This problem is readily solved by 000webhost.com as it provides you with 1000 MB disk space and 10000 MB of bandwidth at zero cost. Next, you may have acquired the disk space you wanted, but you will again need an excellent server uptime which guarantees minimum shut down of your website. Get free 99.9% of peak and 99.5% average server uptime with 000webhost which means your website goes down for about 30 minutes per day. Considering that you are getting it at zero cost 000webhost is your best bet.

000WebHost Comparison and Ranking

000webhost compare and ranking

Free web hosting is nothing new and has been provided by many companies. However, there have been instances when some of the so-called free web hosting companies shut down abruptly without even notifying users so that they could at least retrieve their data beforehand. ServerAxis is a real-time example of such a case. This is exactly why you should go for a trusted brand like 000webhost which is very less likely to disappear suddenly unlike its counterparts. The millions of subscribers and popularity of 000webhost are genuine and are recommended by many professionals.

You may want to use Byet and Zymic or other popular web hosting platforms, but these do not fully support Curl, Zend, GD2, etc. With advancement in technology and the quest for more efficient codes, there are so many languages under development. If you choose 000webhost, then it gives you the flexibility to utilize PHP, Curl, MySQL, Zend, XML, GD2, PHP sockets, fopen(), .htaccess, loncube Loader, etc. supported totally and hence proving to be more advantageous.

It is a proven fact that every second your website becomes unavailable, you lose a customer. The online market has wider potential wherein you may have from 50 to 5000 customers reaching out to your company all-together. This means you need the highest server uptime possible which will make your website stay active throughout the day without any lag. Other free web hosting companionship such as WordPress, Blogger, Firstclasshost, etc. often fails to touch 99% uptime. Some companies also make false claims or provide a server uptime that can badly affect your business. Hence, you must choose 000webhosting which has officially recorded a server uptime of 99.5% with the peak at 99.9% and guarantees the same to you without any cost.

You also do not want your website to be covered with bogus advertisements making it difficult for customers to find out the information that they are looking for. This frustrates them, and they end up exiting your site. Such poor performances can be avoided if you choose 000webhost.com as it is the only website which is truly advertisement free with no secreted terms and the conditions. Wondering how much does it cost? ZERO bucks! You are not charged any amount for keeping your site ad-free, and on top of that, you also get a chance to make some money from AdSense advertisements.

If you are still not convinced then here are some more exceptional features that you only get with 000webhost.com:

Automatic Installation

automatic installation
The tool Automatic Installer can help you to improve the website by adding customized Forums, FAQs, Galleries, etc. and install the website automatically. You can choose from more than 55 popular scripts such as Drupal, WordPress, Photo Gallery, OS Commerce, etc. which are completely supported by the website.

Build Your Website Without Coding Knowledge

000WebHost is for even the most amateur of the customers as its Free Website Builder helps to realize the potential benefits of building a website. It is designed with a very simple UI giving you all of the features you desire.

The 000webhost Blog

000webhost.com is not just meant for building the website and hosting, but it also serves as a learning haven for enthusiasts, professionals, professors, students, and learners interested in web development in general. Some of the coolest troubleshooting tips and tricks can be found on the blog which is constantly updated and covers almost all topics of discussion and debate.

All of the details mentioned above do not make sense until you have defined your business goals. 000WebHost is generally well suited for those looking to build and operate small websites or for those just testing their coding skills. You should be clearly aware of what you seek to achieve and accordingly choose either free or paid plans. Be assured that 000webhost gives you the best value for money compared to any other web hosting service provider. It has emerged as an established in the industry with years of expertise in seamless services. So go ahead and avail their services now!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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