HomeBlog8 Secrets about Web Development : Only a Handful of People Know

8 Secrets about Web Development : Only a Handful of People Know

If you look at the e-commerce business, then you will find that there are several companies that are doing a roaring business but others are not that successful. If you go deep into this issue and analyses why this is happening, then you will find that the successful companies have mastered the art of web designing in a way that helps conversions.

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While it is important to have a good marketing strategy, but the art of conversion happens only with how your website is designed and what kind of offers you are providing to your customers.

secretes of web development

If you look at the market trends, then you will find that in the year 2015, the rate of cart abandonment was at an astonishing 68 percent. This shows that majority of viewers on the e-commerce site are not committed buyers but are there to look at various articles to see which amongst them catches their fancy. This had made CRO (Conversion-rate Optimization) and re-targeting strategy essential to improve the conversion rate in e-commerce websites.

Here we are giving you some tips on what changes you can make to your website that will improve the conversion rate dramatically.

1. A good eye-catching headline

Headlines play an important part in grabbing the eyeballs of the viewers. Therefore, make it a point to put catchy headlines in all caps. It has been observed that adding a pain point in the heading improves the conversion rate by a huge 30 percent. And if you want to improve the effectiveness of the headlines even further, then put them above the fold area.

2. Clearly defined value proposition

Customers are always looking for getting the best value for their money. To give a good value proposition to your clients make sure that it is different from your competitors and you have to give comparative value in all the segments that your competitor is providing except one, in which you have to provide something more than your rival. This could be in terms of quality, competitive pricing, deep discounts, free gifts and so on. You could turn it into your USP so that the customer thinks that he is getting something extra in the deal. This increases the chances of conversion massively.

3. Improve your goodwill

improve your goodwill
You will observe that there are some e-commerce companies that have huge sales figures compared to their rivals. While there may be many reasons behind this popularity, one of them is the amount of goodwill they have in the marketplace. Therefore, never neglect the importance of increasing the followers on the social media platforms to improve the number of viewership. This will, in turn, create the credibility of the e-commerce website in the minds of potential clients.

4. A well-placed CTA button

This is an important part of your website. Make sure that you have a clearly defined CTA button on your website that is clearly visible to the viewers. This button should be designed in such a way that it gives clear indications to the viewers what you want them to do.

5. Create a sale funnel on your website

Just building a website is not important, for better conversion, you need to create a sales funnel that will gently push the customer towards buying a product. Most of the time a viewer is just looking at all the products displayed on the website and has no urgent need to buy the product. Therefore, your first task will be to create awareness about a product. Make sure to tell him how the product will help him. This will pique his interest, which you can then leverage to turn into a conversion.

6. Do not use tough words:

The first principle of advertisement is the use of simple words that everyone understands. There is a clear distinction between writing a scientific essay and advertisement materials. You should never use jargons or tough words when writing titles, blogs or even articles about some article that you want to sell.

8. Make it easier to buy from your website

Buying a product should be an exciting experience. And if you want to create a good reputation then make sure that buying from your website should be simple. Do not put too many options before them, it could confuse the customer. Make sure the online money transaction is simple and secure and your client gets the article in the shortest time possible.

8. Give incentives for taking any action quickly

This is one of that physiological factors that works best in the mind of people when you put a deadline before them. You can say that you will get some article for a discount if they purchase it right now. You can also mention that there are only a few articles left to put pressure on the mind of the customer to make quick decisions.

All these features taken together improve the conversion rate of an e-commerce site manifold.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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