HomeBlogTop 3 Email Marketing Mistakes Every Marketer is Making Right Now

Top 3 Email Marketing Mistakes Every Marketer is Making Right Now

Failure can become the pillar of success unless you are in marketing. Mistakes and failures involving marketing campaigns can lead to damaged brand reputation and terrible sales records. Sometimes, companies spend their entire lifetime trying to overcome the brunt of failed marketing attempts. Always remember, your customers are going to judge you, and they are not going to be lenient. When you decide to make contact, always ensure that your strategy is perfect and personalized.

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Today, we are about to focus on the leading, most time-tested marketing strategy that delivers one of the highest ROI to customer-centric companies. In fact, we are going to highlight some of the most common mistakes almost 90% of the marketers make during email marketing campaigns.

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Mistake 1: The sheer lack of personalization

In at least 89% of the cases, marketers do not segment their customer database, and they end up sending the same marketing email to the entire database. Sadly, an email blast is not the way to reach out to the customers and potential customers.

Here’s why –

• About 60% of the recipients delete the email.
• 27% opt for unsubscribing from newsletters and email alerts
• Over 23% simply mark these mails spam.

It is almost equivalent to taking your entire marketing effort and chucking it in the bin. You need to start by segmenting your recipient database. It is fallacious in the park of a marketer to assume that a 15-year-old millennial will have the same interests as a 30-something family man! Segmenting on the basis of demographics gives new clues to broach targeted marketing.

Mistake 2: Not paying attention to mobile recipients

Many marketers are unaware of mobile responsive layouts for emails as well. Single column layouts are ideal for mobiles. As of now, recipients read over 47% of these emails on their mobile devices. Almost half of the 294 billion emails that go out from companies daily reach mobile devices.

The statistics show why mobile-based email marketing commands added effort. You must remember that over 40% of all mobile users in the USA check their inboxes more than four times per day. Now, it is your turn to make use of their habits and send your marketing messages to them.

Mistake 3: Not linking websites

Most marketing emails contain information on EOSS (end of season sale), promotional offers and more. However, we have seen several email marketing campaigns without any links at all! The best way to get the maximum ROI out of your campaign is to link your landing page to the promotional email and to link the offer webpage(s) to your email too.

Your customers should be able to access your offers with just one click. Remember, the goal of an email marketing campaign is to enable people to reach your site and products with just a click!

These three mistakes are more common than any marketer would like to admit. Email marketing needs experience, skill, and strategy. Behind every excellent email marketing campaign is a genius who understands their customer groups.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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