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Women in Cryptocurrency

Up until now, cryptocurrencies have been dominated by men yet far more women are making inroads and changing the world of cryptos.
This ranges from investors to women who are starting their own companies or holding significant positions in some of the recent start-ups that are at the forefront of the digital cash revolution.

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women in crypto


This is one area where women are suited to reading and writing in a blogging format. It is this medium they are helping to promote cryptocurrencies and the underlying technologies that come with them.

When they partake in this venture,many are new to the whole digital cash scenario yet they are learning quickly even when these cryptos are not the main subject of their blogs.

Female Crypto Investors

When it comes to investing it has been shown women are more astute at investing than their male counterparts and generally they are better at saving.

Studies show men save around 7.9% of their income while women save 8.3% which can equate to a few hundred dollars per year.
It has also been shown from crypto exchanges women tend to leave their investment for more prolongedperiods and sign into their accounts less frequently than men.

Although the figures are around a quarter for female investors, the numbers are steadily growing.


There is a high number of women who are seeking micro-finance using a new cryptocurrency solution. This is helping women who are in underdeveloped countries to start their own business and to retain a hold of their earnings (which are in the form of cryptocurrencies) without any need or possibility to have a bank account.

The ecosystem is changing and expanding as these women have embraced the concept of cryptocurrencies and are using them to their benefit.
Many of the microfinance options can give notification via cell phone or other electronic means without the need to visit a banking institution.

Crypto Moms

A large proportion of women who are entering into the cryptocurrency scene are the mothers who are using these altcoin cryptocurrencies as a means to supplement their income while they are staying at home and looking after their children.

As a lot of finding the most undervalued cryptocurrency takes a great deal of homework, these mothers are making the best use of their time. A lot have become day traders from the comfort of their homes as they get to learn how to read the markets of how digital currency values rise and fall.

There is a lot of Crypto Moms who have only entered the scene after BTC made a huge splash in the media, yet this is not to say there are no investment opportunities or ways to make money from cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies and Gender Equality

At the other end of the scale, there are a handful of women who are changing the way cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain are going.
These are now speakers at conferences and are making behind the scenes decisions of how to push this technology forward into the mainstream.
Women can now stand equal to men when it comes to cryptocurrency regardless of what position they hold.

Cryptocurrencies and Shopping

In a home, it is the female who generally contributes to the majority of the shopping duties. With the introduction of cryptocurrencies, women who are guiding these technologies are steering them in a way that is beneficial to women and families.
Now it is possible for transactions to be carried out that are easy to use and everything is under the control of the person who is generally seen in charge of the household.

Women can be the primary influence when it comes to a coin being made or being broke. If it helps them to carry out their duties or they are able to make a living from trading altcoins they are in a way self-promoting the benefits of digital cash.

Currencies are maturing as is the technology and new applications or a new infrastructure is slowly arriving much like the way that Skycoin and Skywire are aiming to make a huge impact later this year.

Women are enriching what was once a male-dominatedworld. They are making their influence felt at every level of the cryptocurrency world.
There is a considerable number of women who are embracing all that cryptocurrencies have to offer, and the marketplace is looking to expand with more of them who become involved.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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