HomeBlog5 Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas for Your Ecommerce Website

5 Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas for Your Ecommerce Website

Valentine’s Day is the perfect reason to boost your sales. So now’s the time to get people interested in your ecommerce holiday sales. You might be thinking you don’t sell anything considered romantic, but that shouldn’t stop you from getting some new customers.

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Here are a few helpful tips to kick start consumer interest with ecommerce for lovers.

Valentine’s Day Marketing Ideas for Your E-Commerce Website

1. Focus on marketing for Valentine’s Day

Do you have an email subscription list? Send out an email to remind customers Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and you’re having a sale for it. Showcase items you think would make good presents and bundle a few as a Valentine’s Day gift pack. Sharing this information on your social media sites is a great way to get attention and a boost in sales.

2. Get a theme going

You don’t have to go crazy with it, but changing the color scheme on your ecommerce website or slapping a few hearts around your social media pages will help draw more attention. People love when things are doctored for the holidays. Plus, a new ecommerce theme makes your business look festive and fun.

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3. Keep a timeline in mind when shipping

If you’re offering sales ahead of Valentine’s Day (as opposed to having a sale on the actual day) you’ve got to make sure packages will arrive before February 14th. Customers may not be as cognisant of how long it takes to prep and ship something, so let them know if it’s going to be arriving after the holiday and if there’s a faster option. A customer may opt for overnight shipping; plus they’ll appreciate you being attentive to the delivery date.

4. Offer deals that make everyone happy

Deals that offer something else alongside the initial purchase are a great way to snag holiday profits. Offer a gift card or a freebie specifically for the gift buyer so they feel they’re getting a reward for being a good significant other. Aside from the fact that people love free stuff, this will help improve customer satisfaction and may make a return customer out of someone who was just there for the sale.

5. Come up with a contest or promotion you can advertise on social media.

It doesn’t have to be too involved; something simple like “cutest couple contest” is enough to get people excited. Everyone loves happy pictures of themselves and their partner. Just scroll through Facebook if you need proof! And, if they can win something from it, all the better. Offer a gift card to your store, or a free Valentine’s Day gift basket. Share a few of the photos online and watch social media do the rest. This is a neat trick, because it will also boost your social media presence. People who are featured will share any post you have and ask their friends to share it as well.

It doesn’t matter if you think your store doesn’t offer anything in the way of Valentine’s Day products or services. You can make a sale out of anything – and with the help of email and social media – you can get people interested. The above mentioned tips will definitely help you boost your sales. You can read more such ecommerce tips on eshoppingjournal.com. The blog has plenty of good reads on online shopping and ecommerce industry that will help you manage your ecommerce website more efficiently.

Wrapping Up

Getting creative with sales and promotions is a big part of running your own business and will draw new customers in as well. Don’t be intimidated by the fact that it’s Valentine’s Day. Embrace the love and think outside the box to offer something fun and new. Start promoting your ecommerce for lovers sale now and by the 14th, you’ll be ready to go.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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