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When to Get Your Website Redesigned?

It is essential to have a thorough look at your website and decide if it requires a touchup or needs to be redesigned. With the growing business your website holds an importance.

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redesign your website

It is not something that you created and cannot be amended, although businesses can only be flourished when they are fixed and maintained properly. To cope up with the technology advancements and imply the same in your sites is quite positive and successful for your business. The stagnant and stale graphics can reduce the viewership to your site. There is quite a number of such projects that have not changed a bit and with the old school graphics their sites are not that functional.

There are some of the facts that needs to be corrected while designing and focusing on your brand websites i:e:

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Make Site Analysis:

website analysis

It is essential to get associated with the google analytics so that you can get the complete insights of your website. It usually stretches from bounce rates to the purchases. This tool is beneficial as it will illustrate youwith the number of viewers who did not found your site interesting.

Usually this bounce rates can be an eye opener for your content or graphics to be improved. When there is a repeated bounce ratio, that’s when you need to redesign your website. Focus on your home pages as it catches the attention mostly.

There can be several and multiple reasons why the audience do not stick their attention on your website. Mostly the content and graphics are the main criteria where audience can lose their interest.

Accessibility of your Website:

The success of a site is when it is approachable through almost every medium. With the latest survey, the smartphone has taken over the site searches and the ratio for desktop users have lessen. So, design your website in a way that it is easily accessed to smartphone or tablet.

Flashy Content:

Websites with flashes can be in basement zone, as this technology is now outdated. Your website with flashy content can be challenging for the users. There are several players and software(s) that do not support flashes, therefore, there can be a bounce rate from your site due to flash content.

According to the latest survey, 50% of the consumers cannot linger with the site loading and would wait for 2 seconds for the site to be loaded or even lesser. If even a single second is increasedand cause waiting for the user, it might lose their attention and would call it quits.

Is Your Site Slow?

slow website
If you know the right method to perform your business, then you should know how to perform it in a right way. Users mostly expect from a site to display the content within 2 to 3 seconds max. if they are compelled to wait for the homepage then they definitely move away.

So, if your site is slow start working on its mechanism to refrain from bounce rate or client diversion. There are online tools available to gauge your speed check and then can be improved accordingly.

Outdated Content:

Write fresh and quality content
Even outdated content also requires a quick check. Content plays a key part in making a site success, therefore, if the reading material is not attractive it is an alert already.

Make upgrading(s) on your site and place the correct data and relevant information. When you see that your content is stale, that’s when you are supposed to redesign and build new developments on your site.

The Website Layout:

Once you have updated all the essentials of your site, it is important to check out the latest layouts and templates for website. This year, the nudes and monochrome graphics are a cherry on the top for site development. You must be concerned about the feel of the website, as it is necessary for the site to be affiliated and illustrate the same with the product.

Final Word:

It is mandatory to be concerned about what customer’s feedback is because this way you will get to have a clear idea when its time to redesign your website. There are different web design company that allows for a better and innovative website layout. Make sure that you are in a track to cope with your competitors by making the user experience an outstanding one.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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