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3 Tips to Easily Create Your Own Logo

Do you want to create your own logo but don’t know where to start? Follow these tips to easily get started and create something recognizable.

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Not only can a name or set of colors influence purchases, but even the shape of a logo affects consumer buying habits. A strong logo can last a lifetime, as in the case of Coca-Cola or Levi-Strauss. If you’re looking to create your own logo, you need to learn from other logos.

create your own logo

The type of brand that you are and your targeted demographic go far in determining the kind of logo you should have. A more colorful and energetic logo is great for a kids’ clothing company or an art store but it won’t work for an investment company. If your clients are expecting luxury items and high-end design, you need to follow those trends to the letter.

If you’re going to create your own logo for your business like beauty & cosmetic logo, health logo etc, you need to know what elements are most important. Follow these 3 tips for a memorable design.

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1. Use Unique Fonts

Creating your own custom type isn’t as easy as you might think. If you don’t have the skills to create a font set or your own logo text, don’t sweat it. There are so many interesting fonts that no one has made good use of yet.

If you’re looking for ideas, go through one of the popular font websites for inspiration. You can get a feel for what works and what doesn’t. If you don’t need your text to be the centerpiece of your logo, you don’t have to emphasize uniqueness here.

If you’re working with a tool for designing your own logo, read more about what Adobe’s logo-making tools are capable of.

2. Keep It Simple

keep it simple
Simple logos can be seen and recognized from a mile away. The golden arches, the swoosh, the half bitten apple–they all stick out to a viewer and bring to mind the name of the brand.

If you have a clever design team, you could come up with a brilliant logo right away. But you should know that even Apple Computers went through a series of iterations before they landed on their final logo.

3. Use Colors Wisely

use color wisely
Colors can have a strong impact on a viewer. There are some brands, like Target or John Deere, that have an iconic tone that people instantly recognize. You should come up with two colors that define who you are.

Instagram has a unique logo that takes two otherwise opposing colors, purple and yellow, and manages to find a strong balance between them. For reference, corporate or tech companies stick with neutral colors, health brands lean on green and blue, and food brands use warm reds and yellows.

Create Your Own Logo Today

Building your own logo should be a process. Come up with a list of important characteristics and use those to guide your final decisions. Make some drafts and take feedback seriously.

If you’re opening an online shop, check out our guide for the perfect logo.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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