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Top Drupal Features that Prevent Business Failure

When it comes to processing business in the right ways, it could take years to make up for a mistake that could have been avoided easily. So, if you are a business making use of a CMS to make the most out of your content, you need to deploy some efficient practices for an improved customer experience and revenue. When using Drupal as a CMS to promote your business, you need to be a little smart and make a choice that fits your need properly.

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Given below are some common Drupal features that you must be aware of in order to create a website that attracts buyers.
drupal features

Drupal is completely mobile friendly

Drupal’s latest version is completely responsive in nature. It also comes with free and premium built-in themes that are powerful and flexible. Owing to its mobile-first approach, you can easily create a website that matches the resolution and screen size of multiple digital devices. These themes usually fit in to any screen size to deliver a website that functions flawlessly.

Drupal’s template engine

By separating content from the presentation layer, Drupal allows businesses to fully customize the design and layout using standard compliant HTML and CSS. Pre-built themes are also available that help in customizing the design as per business requirements. These themes prevent the developers from starting from the scratch and invest in a completely customized web design.

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Simple authoring

The latest version of Drupal makes content creation a cakewalk. The CMS has gone a way ahead by providing authors an actual preview of changes that would finally be implemented on the website. The CMS also features CKEditor, a free text editor that helps content editors in developing the website effortlessly.

HTML5 integrated

HTML5 emerges as a standard practice when writing a web markup. It is now available with Drupal 8 and offers access to input fields like email, phone, data along with extra functionality.

In-built search

Drupal’s internal search functionality comes with both standard and advanced modes of searching by default. This makes search easy and customized as per the requirements.

Accessibility to multiple content types

drupal 8 features
Drupal provides ample customization to developers to classify how different content types like articles, blogs and news get portrayed. In addition to it, it also focuses the functionality associated with each content type. This can also include accepting or denying user comments.

JS automated testing

Drupal 8 brings in multiple possibilities for advanced testing. The advanced version makes it easier to authenticate the JS front end automatically. This saves time and makes the process quite simple.

Highly secure

Talking about all the features of Drupal 8, security is one that cannot be overlooked. Drupal is a CMS quite popular for high-end security patches and constant updates.

Robust configuration management

There is a configuration system integrated with Drupal 8. This feature makes it easier to carry elements like views, content, fields, etc. Website can easily be created from a local folder in your desktop to a cloud based server. This version control system makes it compulsory to have a record of changes. This allows for faster control and responsibility sharing.

Built in web services

Drupal’s latest version can be used as an open data source. It comes with output content in formats like JSON or XML. It is not allowed to publish data from the front end to Drupal. Use of hypertext application language is suggested in the upgraded version of Drupal. There are many versatile web services that can be discovered with the help of this functionality.

Fast editing

The upgraded versions of Drupal provide in-place editing for various fields. The CMS makes it easier to edit the text and it also helps in quick fixing and additions from the front end.

Final verdict!

So, these are some important reasons that allow developers to switch to Drupal. The availability of these advanced features makes Drupal the right choice for different businesses. When upgrading to the latest version, there are multiple things that come along and with these functionality, it becomes easier to market your business in the simplest ways.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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