HomeBusiness10 Questions Every Business Should Ask their Website Design Company

10 Questions Every Business Should Ask their Website Design Company

Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure to ask your web design company these ten questions. Trust us, their answers may just save you a digital headache in the future.

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The competition online is fierce. With 1.8 billion websites up and running, you have to make sure yours stands out.

And while some business owners know what a website needs, most of us have no idea how to make it look great. And we’re also really busy with a million other projects.
Questions Every Business Should Ask Their Website Design Company

Then there’s the fact that smart business owners know when to outsource projects to save time and money. We also realize the quality will be higher by working with a web design company.

But before you hire just any company, make sure they’re a good fit for you. Here are 10 questions to ask a website design company.

1. Ask What Services The Website Design Company Offers

Before hiring a website designer, find out what services they provide. Not all of them are the same.Some offer ongoing services such as maintenance, SEO, social media marketing, and even logo design.

If you’re planning on hiring a company to completely redesign your website, you’re better off finding a company who can continue to assist you as you change and grow.

2. Find Out If They’ve Worked With Similar Businesses Before

One of the best web design questions to ask is if they have any experience working with similar companies. You want to find a website design company who understands your products and services. However, make sure you don’t work with a company who is also designing half of your competition. You want to stand out from your competition, not fit in.

3. Determine If All The Work Is In-House Or If They Outsource To A Third Party

Of all the questions to ask a web designer, this one is rarely asked but is very important. If the web design company outsources to another company, you lose a lot of ability to communicate your ideas and thoughts.

You also have no idea whether these outsourced people have the right credentials to do the work.

4. Check For Examples Of Their Previous Work

Before hiring a website designer, ask to see examples of previous work. Check to see the designer has the ability to create different types of websites. Make sure the loading time is quick.

Look to see that the navigation is easy to use and if the designs are current and modern. See how well the designs match the style of the business.

Don’t be afraid to ask as many web design questions as possible. You want to feel comfortable and confident when hiring a firm.

Find out why the motivations behind each website design.

5. Ask Them To Define What ROI They Expect The Site To Receive

Many people forget to ask web design questions that are based on the end result. Sure, a great looking website is part of your goal, but it’s not the only one.
A website needs to attract customers to your site. It should help rank you at the top of search engines. Make sure the web company tells you what strategies they plan to use to help you generate more income.

6. Have Them Provide An Outline Of The Project

Before you end up hiring a website designer, make sure you understand what will happen during the entire process. They should tell you exactly what will happen during each step of the process. The website design company should also tell you how long they expect each step will take.

You should also be able to share your input along the way. That way, if you aren’t happy with the work, it won’t be a huge problem to change directions. If they aren’t sharing their information with you, it’s not a good sign.

7. Make Sure They Let You Know How And When They Will Communicate With You

Without good communication, you’ll end up frustrated. And probably with a website that isn’t what you wanted. Make sure you know exactly who the point people are who are working on your project. Then make sure it’s easy to communicate with them.

Companies who don’t respond to your questions or who don’t seem to understand what you’re saying will waste your time and end up costing you.

8. Find Out If They Understand Your Brand

There are questions to ask a web designer about branding before you get started. A good website design company will ask you about your brand.

Provide them with all your branding materials. Don’t forget how powerful a great logo design is to attract new customers to a business.

If you haven’t already branded, they should help you determine your brand. But if they don’t share your brand’s morals and values, you’re not working with the right company and you should walk away.

Make sure they can deliver a website that’s on point with your brand.

9. Determine Before Signing Anything What Their Rates Are

Any decent website design firm will provide you with a website design quote before they start working with you. Some companies charge by the hour. Others charge by the project. Keep in mind that price is based on their experience, expertise, and the scope of the project.

To avoid any unpleasant pricing surprises at the end, make sure you have it in writing how much everything will cost.

Don’t forget to ask about payment options.

10. Ask If They Plan To Create A Responsive Design Website For You

If you have a website, it should be mobile-ready. More than 68% of consumers are doing online searches before making purchasing decisions.

And we’re doing it mostly on our mobile devices. But there’s a difference between a mobile-ready website and a responsive design website.

A responsive design website is actually less expensive. It also looks better and makes it a seamless user experience for visitors.

Get Inspired

If you’re unsure which website design company to choose, start by getting inspired. Our blog features some great ideas for how to create the perfect website for your businesses needs.

Take a look around and see what you can use to attract more customers to your business. Then keep coming back to read our latest articles.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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