HomeBlog7 Tips to Make Your Online Life More Secure and Hacker-Proof

7 Tips to Make Your Online Life More Secure and Hacker-Proof

The digital path has never been more populated than it is these days. The productivity it offers for your work, or the entertainment in terms of media is simply unparalleled. However, it’s doesn’t come up without its cons, but a safe environment can be achieved with proper precautions. With hackers getting more creative these days, it has become even more important for the user to employ measures that secure him from attacks, which can otherwise compromise his information. Here are Some of the tips to make your online life secure and hacker proof.

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1. Use different passwords

A lot of people today, still use the one password for multiple accounts they have on different websites. While earlier, there wasn’t simply enough computer power on hand for hackers to crack passwords, now with the improvement in technology, it is quite easy for them to figure out simple passwords. Not only that, the cyber-attacks have increased as well, forcing the user to make tougher choices. One of these is definitely using unique passwords for different accounts (or using a single sign-on solution from a company like Centrify) and it is.

2. Using Two-Factor authentication

This means having multiple checks for logging into your accounts that you have online. It is a much needed web security measure that has the same reasons as using multiple passwords. In the case, that your passwords are compromised, someone logging into your account will need for example, a special code sent to your mobile or email, making it more secure in the process.

3. Encrypted messages

The process of encrypting messages involves disguising or jumbling what you’re trying to communicate, so that only the person the messages is intended for can view it. Any hackers trying to listen to the conversation, won’t be able to tell what is being discussed. Thus, the use of messaging apps with end-to-end encryption will only add to your online arsenal against hackers.

4. Up-to date Software

A lot of people these days download apps and then don’t update them later on. Developers of these apps release updates for the purposes of not only improved functionality, but newer and tougher security measures, as hackers start catching up with previous ones. Therefore, it’s important that you keep your applications on their latest versions.

5. Cleaning Viruses

Most of the people know what a virus is, yet a majority of them still don’t make sure that they have a proper anti-virus installed. Not only that, you should have it run scans regularly, to ensure any newer files didn’t bring anything harmful along..

6. Deleting old accounts

Another common habit people seem to have, is that they previously made accounts and now just don’t use them. They usually underestimate the information they might have on it, which can lead to harmful consequences for your personal information, thus, it is good practice to delete
accounts that you no longer use.

7. Keep yourself informed

Security breaches are common but thanks to technology, news spreads like wildfire and is easy to follow. Knowing what is happening, will allow you to take prevention, as well as correction measures.

So, these were some of the practical tips that will make your life secure and hacker proof, let us know which one is your favourite tweak that use to keep yourself secure online, we would love to hear your feedback.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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