HomeDevelopment8 Best PHP Frameworks for Developers

8 Best PHP Frameworks for Developers

For over a decade now, PHP has been a leading web development and server-side scripting language that many web developers have been utilizing. Its frameworks not only aides in the construction of wonderful sites and applications but it also secures them and makes them to be top performing.

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Over thousand frameworks have been launched since its start but there are those unbeatable ones that developers must know about to keep their work up to date and nice.

So, without further ado, here is the list of some of the best PHP frameworks for developers below.

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1. Laravel

laravel php framework
Laravel was introduced in 2011 with a package to make developers develop wonderful websites and deploy them in a quick and precise manner. It comes with a complex and wide ecosystem to make developers have access to the best web development tools that enable them to make excellent websites. The blade is a template engine that allows developers to make caching, authentication, sessions, RESTful routing, queuing and many another kind of features.
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2. Symfony

It comes with PHP components and codes that can be reused over and over again. It’s a well-documented, high performing and reliable Framework that enable developers to make excellent websites with all features needed. It allows the development of large-scale enterprise and complex websites that other frameworks may not be in a position to serve efficiently.
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3. Phalcon

This is a full stack PHP framework that comes with Model-View-Controller web design structure to make you develop intuitive websites. It was built using the programming language C and C++. It is well documented and reliable making it easy to use and reliable at all times.
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4. FuelPHP

It’s flexible and full stack Framework that supports MVC web design. It contains its own web structure called Hierarchical Model-View-Controller. The framework brings more security features to the websites by introducing traits like input and URI filtering and output encoding. This makes it a more reliable framework that people can use to create intuitive websites.
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5. Zend Framework

zend framework
This is a legendary framework known for its ability to handle complex projects and multiple sites. It is known for its ability to handle enterprise projects because it has intuitive features like drag-and-drop editor that supports HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and it is well documented to make you enjoy smooth web development. It is known to contain PHP testing tools which allow you to test your development work.
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6. PHPixie

This is a perfect PHP framework that comes with excellent features to make you develop already existing websites. It comes with independent components that can be used without much support and they can work independently. It contains HMVC architecture design just like FuelPHP and it is easy to use.
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7. CakePHP

This framework comes with excellent features to enhance speed, reliability, and security of developed websites. For over a decade, CakePHP has been known to be the appropriate choice for commercial website development. Among its chief features include validation, SQL prevention, perfect documentation, cross-site request forgery protection.
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8. Slim

It’s a simple minimal designed framework that allows developers to create simple but reliable web applications. It is mainly used for making RESTful APIs and web services. For making and developing small web applications, this is the best framework to use because it easy to use and won’t give you much hassle.
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PHP frameworks are wonderful and significant in making websites well-performing and secured. You just need to choose appropriate ones that will allow you to make excellent development. You cannot master all frameworks but you can choose a few and master their features before you start utilizing them.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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