HomeBlogHow Social Strategy Can Help a Blogger to Become Successful

How Social Strategy Can Help a Blogger to Become Successful

Would you like to drive more traffic to your blog?

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Searching right method of using social media to promote it?

Understanding how to best share your blog posts on many social networks will maximize your visibility and reach.

Through this article you will come to know how to promote your blog on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest to get maximum reach.

#1: Spread the Word on Facebook


There are numbers of the method you can use the Facebook platform to share your blog articles. To gain a good impression.

Update Your Status with a Link

When you first posted about your blog on social media, the most natural activity is to share a link. But rather than restate the title in the update, lead into it with an inquiry, a statistic or a touch of intriguing information to tease what’s in the article so individuals will want to read it.

Create and Share Photos

Image posts are more liked on Facebook. The Facebook platform gives you privilege to share multiple images through a status update on your Facebook business page.

Start with an engaging photo that’s representative of your article, with or without the post’s title. If there are multiple photos in your article or if it’s a how-to or tour of your items, upload the photos as an album, or shockingly better, a photo carousel.

For more clarity, it is essential to upload bigger size image rather than choosing small one because most of the people visit FB using mobile. Facebook will resize the photos to fit.

Make sure to incorporate the article link and a headline when you post photo updates.

Upload a Video

If you have a video installed in your blog post, upload a snippet as native Facebook video to promote the post. The more active and engaging the video cut, the more attention it will draw in the news feed.

Incorporate an update and the article title, as well as the Watch More call to action. At that point add your article link, which will appear at the finish of the video.

If you’re feeling adventurous and you don’t have a clasp to share, create a short video telling individuals what they’ll discover when they read your article.

Compose a Note

Facebook notes stand out in the news feed and will draw attention to your article. Notes as of late got a makeover, and now seem to be similar to blog posts. But rather than repost your article completely, upload an image and compose an introduction to the article.

At that point add a clickable link to the finish of your note calling readers to read more.

Make a Facebook Post to Entice People to Click

Publishing a Facebook post that people need to read is less demanding said than done. But, most Facebook posts that catch people’s consideration in the news feed have similar characteristics: a catchy feature, a design that instantly draws your eye, and content over the picture that influences you to need to peruse the whole article.

If you nail these three factors, you increment the odds your post will drive more activity to your blog.

Arouse Interest with the Headline, Text, and Link Description

When you add a blog article’s URL to a Facebook post, Facebook automatically pulls the feature, picture, and link description from your blog. So ensure your blog articles contain a solid feature and meta description before you present them on Facebook.

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Optimize Your Post for Organic Reach

When you’re content with your Facebook post, you’re prepared to distribute it. If you share it when a large portion of your fans are online, it has a higher possibility of getting numerous preferences and a high organic reach.

To see when the majority of your fans are online, navigate to your Page Insights and select Posts. As you look down the page, you’ll see singular posts and their season of publishing. After you distribute five Facebook posts under various circumstances of the day, you’ll have a decent review of which posting times work best.

If you need your Facebook post to reach more people organically (for nothing), request that your colleagues like and offer the post. That way, your post could as of now appear in many people’s news feeds.

And last two factor for Fb can be used for all below mention social media.

#2: Tell Your Followers on Twitter

Adding media to your tweets causes you stand out on Twitter.

Tweet a Link

As per sharing post on Twitter is much easier than sharing a post on FB. The tweet doesn’t should be the title, but it can be since links don’t populate unless the users click View Summary. Don’t forget to add appropriate hashtags and @mention the visitor author if it required.

Again, get creative with your tweets so individuals will want to read more.

Share an Image

Upload an image when you tweet your article. The image can have the title in a content overlay, be representative of the content or both. Make sure to add the link to the article at the finish of your tweet. Upload a Video (or GIF) to Your Tweet

Upload a short video or GIF to call attention to your article on the Twitter feed.

The maximum length of a Twitter video is 30 seconds, so if your video is somewhat longer than that, you can abbreviate it after you upload it to Twitter. Make sure to add the link to the article at the finish of your video or GIF tweet.

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#3: Let Your LinkedIn Networks Know

linked in

On LinkedIn, you can share your post in three ways they are

Using a Link
Sharing Photos
Using Publisher Post

Update Your Status With a Link

Incorporate your article’s link in your status update. It’s excellent to recollect that when you share a link to a video, individuals can click to play it in their news feed.

Share your update freely so individuals searching your watchwords may find it.
Upload an Image

When you incorporate an image into a LinkedIn update, it takes up more space in the news feed than a regular link post. This means you get greater visibility. It’s a justifiable reason to upload an image to run with your LinkedIn update and then incorporate a link to your article.

Post the Blog Article on LinkedIn Publisher

Make a small summary of your post and publish it on LinkedIn Publisher section. And add Click to action link at the last of your post. You can also compose an introduction to or a variation of the original. Make sure to reference and link to the original article. Add three keywords at the bottom, so it gets categorised for LinkedIn Pulse.

Keep in mind; it’s best to wait two weeks after the original blog post date, so Google doesn’t believe it’s duplicate content.

#4: Inform Your Instagram Followers

Since Instagram allows just a single link, you have two options for advancing your blog posts. You can change your profile link each time you share another article or permanently link to your blog landing page. Share an image which contains your brand logo with your article title, to your Instagram profile. At that point, add a call to action to “click the link in my profile to read the article” in the caption.

You can also incorporate the actual article link in your post (which will come up as the principal remark), and propose individuals reorder the link to read the article. Always used hashtag which is appropriate to your post. So that using those hashtag you can attract right audience for your post.

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Upload a Video

Make a video of your post and upload it to Instagram. And note its length should not exceed 1 minute. Tease your article with a short video and allude your audience to your profile to discover the link to it.

#5: Point It Out on Pinterest

When you use Pinterest platforms to promote your blog always be creative with your image and Pin your blog image on appropriate board. At that point add the link to your article in any and all related pins.

Tall, thin sticks appear best, making them ideal for infographics and well-ordered how-tos, in addition to branded article images.

While you can categorise your article sticks on multiple boards, you may want to create a board specifically for your articles. When you have all of your posts in a single central place, individuals who cherish your content will know where to discover more.

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In Closing

Blogging is an astounding way to display your idea leadership and position yourself as a specialist in your industry. It’s similarly as essential to making beyond any doubt your blog posts reach your target audience. That’s the place sharing them on social media becomes an integral factor.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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