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The Ultimate Geek’s Guide to Choosing the Best PA Systems for Any Occasion

Not all the PA systems are created equal. What works for one situation may be totally inadequate for another. If you are still finding your way around speakers, consoles, microphones, and amplifiers, read to find out more about the best PA systems for your circumstances.

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If you are doing any form of public address, you’ll want to have a PA system to suit your needs.

pa systems

There are a variety of situations in which you would need a PA system. You may be giving a speech, hosting an event, playing a show with a band, or any other situation in which you would need to amplify some aspect of what you’re communicating. The key is to be prepared for the situation and think a lot about the sound quality that you’re looking for.

Here is an overview of how you should approach picking the best PA systems for your situation.

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Identifying the Best PA Systems For You

best pa system
Essentially, Public Address (PA) systems are used to amplify and fine-tune communication to an audience. There is a lot you can do to produce excellent sound depending on how familiar you are with your equipment.

Public address systems use microphones to convert incoming sound into electronic connections. Using the electronic signals, the system processes, and tunes the audio input into an acceptable output for the situation. The fine-tuning of this audio output is managed on external mixing boards.

These boards have a number of inputs that can accommodate effects pedals and other technologies that change sound. The sounds are then delivered outward through speakers. Finally, the sound can be monitored through speakers or headphones used by the sound operator.

All of those parts add up to form a functioning PA system. The microphones, sound processing center, speakers, and monitors all function together to put on a quality display. There are a variety of PA systems, though, and each one is designed to perform for unique situations.

Assembled PA Systems

If you are a person who just needs to know that a system is working, not how it is working, then you should look into a prepackaged system. These systems are pretty intuitive to set up.

The fact that the systems are ready-made doesn’t mean that they aren’t quality. In fact, they might be exactly what you need. These systems are equipped with mixing boards and have options for adding sound-modifying equipment.

That means that there is a lot of variability in what you can do with the sound you’re looking for. Additionally, these systems come in a variety of sizes and qualities. Depending on your audience, you may need a massive PA system. You can certainly find a quality assembled PA system that suits your needs.

Modular Tower Systems

If you’re planning on playing a venue that doesn’t have a quality PA system, modular tower systems are a simple, effective way to produce a quality sound. Many smaller or outdoor venues don’t have quality public address systems, requiring individuals to provide their own equipment.

In these situations, you’ll want something that is simple, quality, and portable. The modular tower systems are set up in a way that allows them to be moved around, take up limited space, and accommodate multiple inputs.

There is slightly less variety with what you can do to manipulate the sound, though. Because they are smaller, tower PA systems make up for their lack of mixing ability with portability.

If you’re a performer that plays shows within a variety of contexts and audiences, you’ll want to pick up one of these in addition to a traditional PA system. It’s a matter of being able to adjust your portability, control, and sound quality to the needs of the situation.

Modular towers can be easily packed into the back of a car, pulled out, and set up in a matter of minutes.


The trick is compiling the best individual parts if you’re looking to personalize your sound. Each aspect of a PA system can be bought separately and combined with other parts. This is the way to go if you are looking for a very specific aesthetic or require special accommodations.

The first things you’ll want to choose are your speakers.


Speakers are going to be your first step in sound quality control. You’ll want to honestly assess your audience size, the amount of volume you’ll need, and the kind of quality you want. In reality, some styles of public address don’t need high quality but they do need a lot of volume.

Another thing to consider is your ability to carry the speakers. Speakers may be the largest item in your ensemble of audio equipment. If you have giant, arena quality speakers, you’re going to need a bus to carry them. These things are heavy as well, so don’t go too heavy on the size if you don’t need to.

A lot of smaller speakers have a surprisingly high range of volume. Don’t get fooled with a flashy, large set of speakers if you could get the same quality out of a system half the size.


The sound running to the speakers is going to come out of your power amplifier. There are a few main types of amps. The first is the stand-alone amplifier. These are more general purpose, small-scale systems. These lack mixing abilities but are more portable. They would be a great fit for someone playing smaller-scale shows.

The second is the powered mixer. This is a mixing board that also serves as a power amplifier. These are a little bulkier than stand-alone amps but have a wider variety of mixing abilities and take out the process of buying a mixer.

Powered speakers are the third and final form of amplifier. Essentially, this is a speaker that also serves as an amplifier. It cuts out the process of buying speakers and an amp but lacks mixing abilities.
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Analog mixers, digital mixers, and powered mixers are the three main types of mixing boards that one would use in a PA system. Analog mixers may have the most ability for human input, allowing the user to adjust settings to their specific liking. While it is generally an intuitive process, mixing on analog boards does require some practice and understanding of the board.

Digital mixers use technology that can manipulate sounds in ways that analog mixers cannot. The software is more sophisticated and allows for a lot of exploration in frequencies and sound qualities.

Powered Mixers are analog mixers that include power amps within them. This is another way to save a step in the process and by one device that serves two purposes. There may be some lack of ability to adjust sounds to your liking, but powered mixers still provide quality sound.

Make Sure to Buy Wisely

If you’re planning on playing hundreds of shows a year, then, by all means, go ahead and by the highest quality equipment out there! If, however, you are more likely to play a few shows a month in smaller scale venues, it’s unnecessary to buy large equipment that is bulky and difficult to operate.

If you have any other questions or concerns on the best PA systems or any other technical issues, please reach out to us and we’d be happy to help.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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