HomePhotographyUseful Tips for Photography Students

Useful Tips for Photography Students

Photography is a hobby for some people and profession for others. There are no limits as to what you might find in photography. There are so many interesting scenes out there that you could do practically anything with your work if used right. Here are some of starter tips to jump start your photography career.

1. Get as many shots of a scene as you can

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Teenage girl taking a picture with camera

One of the biggest problems street photographers get into is that they only take one or two shots of a scene at a time. They think that just one image is good enough, but there are loads of variables that go into getting a good street shot. Sometimes a person in a particular spot might make an impact on the overall scene. In other cases, the natural lighting might change due to trees in an area or other obstacles getting in the way.

Try to get around ten to fifteen shots of a scene if possible. You can always go for more if you prefer. Take a look at the individual things that make each image you shoot different. Sometimes you might notice things like something new happening in the background or maybe a new hand gesture by someone that makes an image more dynamic.

Try and get those shots as close to one another as possible. It only takes a split second for an image to go from having an ordinary look to being outstanding or unique in some way.

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2. Get a little lower than eye level

The next point is to watch for how high up you are taking your shots from. Although you could take your street photography shots from eye level that would just use the same perspective that everyone is already familiar with. You need to go lower than eye level so you can establish a better and more distinct look.

By going below eye level, you are getting a shot of someone that is more distinct and unique. It offers a special perspective where the subject looks a little larger than one really is.

The items on the edges of the frame might look a little different too. They would become more dynamic when paired alongside the camera shot.
Any subject you want to take a photo off will feel a little more confident in you when you take a picture down there. This comes as a person will feel dominant and strong at this point.

It might be easier for you to get a great perspective between each layer of detail in your shot. This includes the ability to get the background to be a little further off from the front.

3. Find a good background and wait for a subject to enter into the frame

Find a good background and wait for a subject to enter into the frame
Sometimes you might find an outstanding background but you need a bit of help with finding a subject to get into the frame. You can use a technique known as fishing to get that background to work well.

When you go fishing, you are finding a unique background while waiting for a subject to enter into the frame. This could entail a person walking along a certain space at the right time, for instance. Maybe you might have seen a tree or billboard and you want to get a subject to appear at a certain spot where that figure will stand out in the scene.

Fishing takes a while to do. Sometimes you might have to wait a few minutes or even a couple of hours just to get that perfect shot. Also, it is best that you take multiple shots with different subjects to try and create a strong image. Sometimes one shot might be a little different from what you have established. Waiting for a bit to get the right shot can make a real difference when you try to get a good image going.

Look at how well the lines in a shot are organized as you get the picture taken too. Fishing works best when you can identify the lines that will frame the main subject that you wish to take a shot of.

Wrapping Up

Photography is rewarding journey allowing you to capture beautiful memories at an instant. So make sure to incorporate these tips in your photography. Always continue with your craft and one day you will master it.


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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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