HomeGadgetsVR Technology : The New Essence Being Virtual

VR Technology : The New Essence Being Virtual

It is crystal clear, VR is slowly taking over our lives and the day is not far off when VR will become part of our life, like the smartphone. Lately, experts have also come up with few drawbacks of this innovation. After experiencing the VR, the feeling of nausea and transforming back to usual being is quite usual.

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vr technology

Virtual Reality (VR) utilizes the computer technology to make a simulated environment. Not at all like customary UIs, VR places the user inside a virtual reality. By reenacting the senses, whichever are expected under the circumstances, the user is put through the 3D world. For example, vision, hearing, and touch are the senses which VR plays with. In order to produce more realistic experience, sometimes the virtual reality handsets bring in physical environments or props into play. Here, the only downside of VR is the lack of substance accessibility.

Whatever may be, VR is definitely the future for us. With VR headsets like HTC Vive, Facebook’s Oculus Rift and Sony’s PlayStation VR already in the market, the technology has taken a huge leap in the future. Even after in its budding phase, VR has made quite an impact in many of the sectors. Few are discussed here, take a look:

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Virtual reality gaming is the place where an individual can encounter being in a three-dimensional condition and collaborate with that condition in a game. This is a basic fragment of the game. It is made with VR programming and displayed to the user such that the user replace the present reality condition, making room for incredulity and making the user believe that he is in an actual environment. There is a lot of fun ways to enjoy VR, for example you can do team building events, parties, conferences and many more not just gaming.


The healthcare is a major sector which has hit virtual reality, specifically as a method for preparing the up and coming age of medicinal experts. This innovation empowers trainee doctors to acquire significant experience, that too in a controlled environment. The best part is that they learn can learn the new procedures without making any wrong move on a patient. Two of the better-known cases of it is “Mechanical Surgery” and ‘Virtual Surgery”.


Movies are one of the most common platforms where the virtual reality is brought into play. Watching a movie in a VR headset almost resembles a theatre screen, that too very close to your eyes. It gives us the freedom to change the screen size, volume, and even the landscape. It is no short of in-house theatre. Unlike a movie theatre, you can take it to any place you wish and continue your show. It is no secret, how astonishing watching movies in a head-mounted show (HMD) can be.

Space Exploration

In the event that you need to see past the Earth without really being there, observe the space through virtual reality and you will be amazed by the whole vista. Through a VR helmet, a space explorer can see a 3D space of a planet, without being there. This virtual reality strategy is known as Telepresence and can be utilized to acclimate the space explorers with the state of a specific planet.

In shaping the VR technology into space exploration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Melbourne-based Opaque Media Group (OMG) collaborated to bring out virtual reality space-walk experience and developed “Earthlight.” The device offers one of a kind encounter of space.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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