HomeBlog6 Detrimental SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid in 2018

6 Detrimental SEO Mistakes You Need to Avoid in 2018

What is your online business New Year resolution? Do you wish to see your business improve SEO Ranking? Imagine thousands of people, right now, are searching for answers and solutions which you might have on your website. For a fact, they will not find info on your site if it is not ranked among the #top 10 on dominant search engines. Just being online is not enough, neither is being listed on the first page: you need to be among the first top three and to remain there. It is crucial, therefore, to seriously invest in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and more so to avoid these detrimental mistakes.
seo mistakes

1. Lack of Key Performance Indicators for SEO

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They say, if you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. An organized website is easy to improve. SEO has so many variables. For example, if you are currently improving your ranking, you need to know which Key Performance Indicator (KPI) contributed to this. You need to know what to improve on and what is dragging you down. Key Performance Indicators is a must for a focused website. You need to articulate clear objectives to utilize KPI effectively. Many SEO KPIs are specific to your business objectives. They range from increased links from authoritative websites, to rise in organic traffic for your site, great mentions of your particular brand name and increased brand searches. Whichever KPI you choose make sure it is compatible with your objectives.

2. Getting unprofessional SEO services

tips for hiring seo service
Are your in-house SEO guys dependable? Can they compete with the current gurus or are they always at the mercy your competitors? If so, then it is time to consider outsourcing SEO services from a reputable SEO service providers. Many professional service providers offer a platform which can generate white Label reports for fast-tracking. It is always advisable to outsource services, especially when you start growing.

3. Developing low- quality content

content is king
By all means, avoid poor content. Nothing will rank you lower and reduce traffic volume on your site than writing invaluable content. People nowadays are so busy. They feel offended when you don’t deliver what you promise in the title. Search Engine will penalize you for poor quality work with unfavourable ranking. As you address your sites to a human reader, remember the search engine also needs optimization. A fine, delicate balance of these two will make your work appealing to the human eye and also entice the search engine.
PS: Haphazard placement of keyword will never appeal online users or search engines. NEVER!

4. Bad choice of keywords

keywords strategies
A keyword (s) is the heart of your website as far as SEO is concerned. A wrong choice of a keyword or a wrongly placed one can considerably lower your ranking. As not all keys can open your car door, so is an improperly placed keyword or a keyword in the wrong context. It will inevitably be devalued by search engine during crawling.

5. Neglecting metadata and title tags

The title tag is your business face. It should have a carefully chosen keyword so that search engine will understand the theme of each page. The indexing will depend on the materiality of the title tag.Meta description brings out compressed summaries of your pages as they appear below the title. They should be addressed to the human searcher enticing him to click. If metadata and title tags are poorly done, both your ranking and traffic volume will adversely suffer.

6. Having dead and unresponsive websites

More than half of online search nowadays use mobile devices to navigate through the internet. You can imagine the number of clicks you miss every day if your website is not is not mobile-friendly. You end up annoying many potential clients even as your ranking fall deeper. You need to periodically test your websites’ responsiveness to all devices including, giant computers, tablets, mobile phones, and televisions.
Your site also needs to be compatible with all common browsers. No one will switch to another browser just because your website fails to open on what they have.

With the current razor sharp competition for online audience, SEO remains an unrelenting battleground. You cannot afford to entertain such mistakes if you want to stay relevant in this ever-changing business. When you master SEO, you will increase traffic volume for your site, which will catapult you to new heights in 2018.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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