HomeBusiness5 Best Investment Apps for New Traders

5 Best Investment Apps for New Traders

Are you new to investing in the stock market and are nervous about putting your money into the markets? Here are the 5 best investment apps for new traders.

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Investing in the stock market can send people to the top financially. Alternatively, it can really do damage to one’s finances, which is why it’s a little intimidating to get into at first.

The stock market is a challenging, unruly thing to put your money into. Understand it, and you might just strike it rich. Don’t, and you may be working at a fast food restaurant very soon. That’s why it’s important to have help.

There are qualified professionals who can assist you in your investments. These people are helpful but costly and serious. If you’re just someone who’s interested in getting involved in the stock market casually, with the intention of developing your investment, try using an investment app.

Here is a list of the five best investment apps for new stock traders.

Some of these may be more suited to your needs than others, so don’t just select the first one and start pouring your money in. Take some time to think through your investment options. You can make an educated decision by reviewing pros and cons or reading betterment reviews.

1. Stash

Stash is a great app for beginners because it gives you advice as you move forward. You can begin your investment with just $5, and Stash will help you make financial decisions. It’s also host to a lot of supplementary materials that you can use to educate yourself and make more return on your investments.
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2. Robinhood

This app has a lot of the features of a normal stock-trading application. Things like market updates, trading abilities, and monitoring capabilities are all available through Robinhood.

The app is free, however, and it has a couple of things that the other applications don’t. Most apps have not yet warmed up to Bitcoin, which Robinhood does support.
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3. Acorns

This app allows you to set up an account that rounds up every dollar on your credit card transactions and uses the remainder to put into investments. Think of your grandfather’s change jar or all of those quarters lingering somewhere in the depths of your car.

Now imagine that all of that change was multiplying! That’s what Acorns does. It’s definitely a great application for new investors.
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4. Stock Market Simulator

stock simulator
This app might be best used in conjunction with others, but it does have a feature that’s extremely valuable. Just like the name implies, this application allows you to test out the market before making any decisions.
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5. TD Ameritrade

td ameritrade
This is a good beginning application in that it’s very basic and user-friendly. It still has all of the functions, but it’s streamlined well enough that nearly anyone could use it.

TD Ameritrade is often considered one of the best applications for beginners.
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Start Investing!

Sign up for one of these applications and start putting your money in the right place. If you’re having difficulty figuring out how or deciding where to put your money in the best investment apps, contact a professional and see if they can offer any beginners advice to you.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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