HomeBusinessDo's and Don'ts When You Have a Booth at Trade Show Events

Do’s and Don’ts When You Have a Booth at Trade Show Events

One of the best ways you can draw some attention to your business and services is by attending trade show events. If you’ve never been to one before, you’ll want to know the do’s and don’ts when you have a booth at trade show events – and we can help! Just read this article to find out more.

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Trade show events are an invaluable way to grow your business.

In fact, 51 percent of attendees at trade shows request that a sales representative visit their company after the event.

And while this stat is encouraging, it doesn’t mean that putting together a trade show booth will automatically mean you gain new customers.

To succeed at a trade show event, you need to make sure you are properly prepared. But how do you do this, exactly?

To find out how to kill it at your next trade show event, keep reading. We’ve got the top do’s and don’ts for when you have a booth at trade show events.

1. DO Properly Train Your Booth Staff

The staff you’re sending to trade show events may do a killer job in their day to day roles, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they know how to kill it at these events.

Trade shows are their own beast, so that means you need to make sure your staff is properly trained beforehand.

Above all else, make sure your staff knows how to identify a qualified lead versus a dead end.
Also, make sure everyone on staff is familiar with your company’s marketing tactics, the biggest competition for the event, as well as the event goals.

Having all your staff on the same page will help ensure success.

2. DON’T Show Up Without a Game Plan

One of the worst things you can do at a trade show event is show up without a game plan.

So, as soon as you have the event marked on your calendar, it’s time to start planning your strategy.

Think about the goals you want to accomplish at the event. Are you looking to make actual sales? Or are you looking to just find new prospects and get their contact info? Or, maybe you’re looking to build brand awareness and scope out the competition a bit?

Whatever your goals are, make sure they are really defined well before the event and that everyone is on the same page when going in. Setting goals will help you stay organized and help you learn how to improve for the next event.

3. DO Focus on Having a Killer Display

You can have the most awesome product or service to sell, but without the right event display, you’re not going to get very far.

Perhaps the most important part of your booth display is that you provide an instant message.
You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention, so you want to make sure your booth days something that is going to make them stop in their tracks.

Also, make sure your display area is open and inviting. If there are a lot of barriers surrounding your booth, attendees will tend to shy away. Adding something as simple as a small seating area can make all the difference.

Finally, make sure you aren’t relying only on static displays. As we said earlier, you really only have a few seconds to capture and attendee’s attention, and animated displays are just the way to do it. This can be anything from a video display to a rotating sign to an interactive game.

4. DON’T Throw Up All Over Your Prospects

Now, we don’t mean this literally (although that should be avoided as well!).

Throwing up all over your prospects means coming at them with an overload of information.

Oftentimes, trade show events can be nerve-wracking, and many people find themselves talking the ears off of their prospects, only to drive them away! If you’re worried about doing this, it’s a good idea to keep the 20/80 rule in mind. This rule basically states that you should be talking 20 percent of the time while listening to your prospect the other 80 percent.

Following this rule will prevent you from overwhelming your attendees and instead focusing on their needs and wants.

5. DO Remember to Use Appropriate Body Language

The rules of appropriate body language are pretty simple, but oftentimes, people forget to follow them and then ruin their chances with attendees.

First and foremost, make sure you’re being active. Sitting passively at your booth won’t make anyone want to come and talk to you. Stay standing and make sure you’re standing at the edge of your booth, facing the aisles as much as possible.

Make sure your arms are uncrossed, you’re smiling, and you’re making eye contact when the prospect is talking. Also, it’s very important to make sure you’re never huddled with your sales team, as this makes it look like you’re not available to talk. Make sure everyone is spread out at all times.

Lastly, it’s never a bad idea to wear a name tag, as this makes you look more approachable and personal.

6. DON’T Forget to Ask Qualifying Questions

We stated earlier how it’s important to distinguish qualified prospects from dead ends. But how do you do this, exactly?

The best way to do this is to remember to ask qualifying questions. You should be asking your prospects about where they work, the role with the company they work for, and if they are the ones responsible for bringing new products into the company.

Not only will these questions help you qualify your leads, it will also help you make sure you’re letting them do the talking and that you’re not revealing too much about your business to someone who’s actually the competition.

7. DO Follow Up With Your Prospects

Perhaps the biggest mistake you can make at trade show events is forgetting to follow up with your prospects.

After all, what’s the point in scoring all those leads if you’re not going to send them follow-up information afterward?

As soon as you get back from the show, have a plan to contact your attendees. And make sure you make the follow-up contact personal, as this will help them remember you and show that you remember them as well.

Now You’re Ready to Rock Your Upcoming Trade Show Events

Now that you know the do’s and don’t’s of trade show events, you’re totally ready to kill it at your next one.

If you have questions about your next trade show, be sure to drop us a comment below. And be sure to check out our business section for more advice on how to kill it in every aspect of growing your business.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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