HomeBlogThe Small Business Guide: How to Use the Cloud

The Small Business Guide: How to Use the Cloud

Internet security breeches are scary, but they’re not a reason to avoid the cloud all together. Learn how to use the cloud for your small business in this article.

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We live in a connected world.

Our devices put just about everything at our fingertips – from photos and personal documents to massive amounts of data. Half of the world’s population now has access to this level of information.

While such an interconnected world certainly has its share of downsides, the benefits are not lacking either.

For businesses, the ability to stay connected and take advantage of the power of cloud computing is priceless.

Keep reading for a closer look at how to use the cloud and how your business can benefit from this approach.

What Is Cloud Computing?

cloud computing
Cloud computing simply allows users to access data from anywhere an Internet connection is available.

It may be as simple as using a file sharing and storage provider like Google Drive or Dropbox, or as complex as software as a service (SaaS) products.

Using the cloud allows you and your employees to stay connected from almost anywhere, with just about any device.

How Can Cloud Computing Be Used?

The cloud has many uses. Here are just a few of the ways your business can take advantage of it:

Storage and Backup
One of the biggest benefits of the cloud is the ability to quickly and safely store data in a remote location. Files and important information can then be quickly accessed by your team members.

By using the cloud for storage and backup, even if something happens to your place of business, you’ll still have the data.

Software As a Service
Another great way to use the cloud is with SaaS products.
Products like Google Drive and Office 365 are changing the way businesses work. They make it easy for teams to quickly share and complete projects together from anywhere in the world.

Benefits of Moving to the Cloud

moving to cloud benefits
Taking your business to the cloud has many benefits. While security may be a concern for some organizations, most cloud computing platforms provide plenty of security.

Simplicity and Flexibility
Using the cloud for file storage and sharing enables users to access and collaborate in real time. This makes work more flexible for your team and simplifies data storage.

Save Time and Resources
By using the cloud, you can also save both and money by eliminating the cost of building and maintaining your own data storage solution.

Backup and Security
When it’s in the cloud, you know it’s backed up and often more secure than at your own place of business. Most cloud computing providers employ top-notch security and backup procedures.

How to Use the Cloud

cloud computing uses
We’ve already covered many of the ways in which your business can use the cloud. Moving your operations to the cloud is simply a matter of identifying what you can use the cloud for and then moving your processes over.

If you work with a lot of documents, consider taking advantage of file storage and sharing options like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Office 365.

Marketing operations can be moved to tools like Salesforce or HubSpot.

The cloud can also be used for more robust tasks like creating an Internet of things (IoT) within your business. Organizations like Quake Global LinkedIn can help with large-scale cloud computing needs.

Putting It All Together

Learning how to use the cloud isn’t as hard as it looks. In fact, it can make life a whole lot easier.

What could you use cloud computing for? Let us know in the comments or check out the rest of the blog for more business tips and tricks.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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