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What does a DevOps Engineer Do and What are the Skills to have to Become One?

DevOps methodology of functioning is taking the IT industries by the storm. Most internet bigshots like Netflix, Facebook, Etsy, Amazon and others have been practicing DevOps and have seen leaps and bounds of success. This storm is calling in more demands for the skilled in DevOps with an immensely less supply. So, there is the huge gap.

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DevOps is not just a list of rules that have to be blindly followed, there is a lot of depth, in theory and practical, to it. It has to be understood thoroughly to actually become a DevOps engineer.

Before DevOps came into existence, a certain method called Waterfall method was used. This method took much longer to deploy the codes to the end user and furthermore, had many drawbacks that became more challenging by the day with the increasing dynamics of the industry. IT companies and organizations.

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What are the drawbacks of Waterfall methods that DevOps compensates for?

The major drawbacks of the waterfall methods are as follows:

1. Longer time to deploy codes
2. Longer time to fix bugs
3. Less coordination between teams
4. Lesser dynamic
5. Work happened in phases
6. Lesser security

These drawbacks are very well handled by the DevOps methodology. It has been noted that DevOps methodology is not as new as it seems. In fact, it has been prevalent in many companies and organizations, implicitly. But relatively newly, this methodology has been explicitly used in companies’ work ethic.

What is the job of a DevOps Engineer?

A few of many jobs of a DevOps engineer are as follows:

1. To be able to do quick and frequent changes in the code for regular updates
2. To be able to connect codes with libraries and software development kits while developing to ensure easier changes
3. Managing the IT Infrastructure as per the code of the support software
4. Work with other staff to tackle connecting various elements of codes; libraries SDKs, codes themselves.
5. To be able to communicate with people, so as to ensure there are no gaps between the two major teams, operations and development.
6. Deploying automation tools
7. To be able to work with various open source technologies
8. To be able to expertly test software coding
9. To be able to work with various programming languages fluently
10. Connecting the business and technical goals

What are the skills one must possess to become a DevOps engineer?

To become a DevOps Engineer, these are the following skills one must possess:

1. Fluency with various coding languages
2. Work with and troubleshoot the servers at all times
3. Should know the importance of virtualization and should be able to implement it
4. Have knowledge of automation tools
5. Have knowledge of open source development
6. Should know what libraries and SDKs are and how to incorporate them into the codes
7. Must know the security aspects of Information Technology
8. Should know how to test the code and find bugs
9. Should be able to write efficient codes
10. Soft Skills and Team Work is extremely necessary

The above is a mention of all the skills that a DevOps engineer must have and the job that the DevOps engineer does. To learn these skills and to learn more about the concept of DevOps, one can always find courses both online and offline. Although the concept is fairly new, there are so many institutions and universities that offer courses on DevOps and certifications too. These courses can be extremely beneficial and can provide one with immense knowledge of work and great productive and efficient learning.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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