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What is Local SEO and Why Does Your Website Need It?

What is local SEO? Well, it’s an important way to market your website online. Without it, you’ll have a hard time reaching people who want your services. Keep reading to learn why your website needs local SEO.

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If you’ve heard the term getting thrown around, you might be wondering — what is local SEO?

Running a business online requires for you to use all the tools available to market and grow your brand. Local SEO is one of them.

In this guide, we’ll go over the importance of local SEO. Let’s get started.

What is Local SEO?

local seo
Local SEO is a marketing strategy used to market your business online. It’s a way to effectively offer products and services to customers in real time. The proper use of SEO will help your business boost organic searches and improve your rankings. If you’ve ever used your mobile device to search for a business near you, then you know what we’re talking about.

Why Should You Use Local SEO?

These are only a few reasons why your business will benefit from local SEO optimization:

Improve Your Google Rankings
By taking care of your local SEO optimization, you will see an improvement in your Google rankings. If you’re a business owner, whether or not you rank high in Google searches matters.

Get More Local Customers
The goal of local SEO is to attract local customers. If you’re a restaurant based in Chicago, you’ll want to cater to its residents. Chances are you don’t want to attract customers who live in Phoenix — it won’t improve your sales.

Attract Mobile Customers
We live in a smartphone-dominated world. Customers don’t wait until they get home at the end of the day to search for something on their laptop. They do it using their phone.

If your website is optimized for local searches, you’ll be able to attract new customers to your business even the same day.

How Can You Improve the Website’s Local SEO?

impove ranking by local seo
As fancy as optimizing for SEO sounds, it’s actually easier than you might think. A few steps could help you take charge of your Local SEO results.

Update Your NAP
For starters, Make sure you always update your company’s NAP. It stands for name, address, and phone number.

Google’s crawlers will scan this information and if it’s not consistent across the board, it might lead to a lower local SEO score.

Manage Reviews
Online reviews are so important for Local SEO. When a customer searches for a service on their phone, they will also look at the reviews.

It’s important you manage the reviews and what your customers say about you. If there’s a negative review it’s important you address it.

Retailers often need help with their reviews, check out the local SEO for retail resource.

Manage Listings
Online directories are key to attract new customers. Make sure you find your business in one of the various search engines and claim your business.

This will help you manage the listing and update it.

The Bottom Line

What is local SEO? It’s a way for your business to be found in local searches and bring in more customers in real time.

If you spend some time developing your local SEO, you will see positive results.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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