HomeGadgets10 Unique Ways How to Use a Flash Drive

10 Unique Ways How to Use a Flash Drive

Cloud storage and smartphones may have changed the way we handle storage, but the humble flash drive still has plenty left in the tank.

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USB flash drives enjoyed a meteoric rise in the early 2000s, but there’s no denying they’re into “difficult second album” territory with the rise of new technologies. Even so, you can still find flash drives everywhere, so it’s clear they have their place.

If you’re wondering how to use a flash drive in 2018, take a look at these 10 unique ideas below.

How to Use a Flash Drive

Personal Backup

Many people now use cloud storage to look after their most important documents. But there’s still something to be said for carrying your irreplaceable data safely with you.

Using a flash drive as a backup will also keep you in the mental habit of paying attention to your backups. It’s easy to get complacent about your backups and then regret the decision later.

And unlike cloud storage, a flash drive will give you access to your documents anywhere, even where an internet connection isn’t available.

In essence, it’s another layer of redundancy and one that you can carry around as a lightweight object in your pocket.


Stuck for gift ideas?

A flash drive can make a superb last-minute gift. It’s a low-cost and low-effort solution that comes across as something more.

If you’re gifting a flash drive, you might want to choose a novelty model that matches the theme. Or you could go the other way and buy something which looks formal and presentable.

After that, it’s up to your imagination. A personalized movie, album, or song mix are all potential ideas.

Carry a Bootable System

Did you know you can carry an entire operating system in your pocket?

Installing Linux or Windows to your flash drive will give you an OS you can use on the go. Using a flash drive, you’ll be able to use your OS on any computer, wherever you are.

This is also a great option for those who like to tinker. You can try out a new operating system without having to rewrite your old – which means no regrets for you.

The Computer Key

You probably carry a set of keys for your house and car, so why not add your computer to the mix?

You can turn your flash drive into an authentication for your computer. If someone tries to access your OS without the drive, it’ll greet them with an error message – even if they have the password.

If you want to safeguard your privacy, the humble USB drive could give you some extra peace of mind.

Portable Apps

There are plenty of apps and programs available with lightweight, portable versions. These don’t require an install, which means you can carry them on a flash drive and deploy them from there.

Office software, media players, photo editors: you name it. If there’s a niche, there’s likely a portable app for it.

With a flash drive loaded up with portable apps, you’ll have the Swiss Army knife of programs in your pocket at all times. It’s a weird party trick, but you might find yourself surprised how often it comes in handy.

Virus Response

When viruses hit a computer hard, it’s nearly impossible to salvage from within. As permissions and actions fall under the control of the virus, the user is left with few ways to fight back.

But what if you could respond from outside the system? That’s where flash drives have an advantage. By loading portable anti-virus software onto a flash drive, you can deploy it on a compromised system and restore functionality.

Dead Drops

Want a taste of that secret agent life?

USB dead drops are a novel take on geocaching. It’s more of a hobby than a practical endeavor, but it adds a little mystery and excitement into the USB world.

Participants hide dead drops throughout public spaces, and other dead droppers seek them out to connect and leave their own messages. Who even needs AR games?


Sometimes, your OS just can’t handle the heat. And when your OS dies, you can lose your means to recover your data.

Keeping a recovery toolkit on a USB flash drive can turn a FUBAR situation into a fixable one. There are plenty of ways to resolve common Windows issues with access to a pre-prepared USB stick.

Almost every OS suffers a critical failure at some point, ranging from a bad update to a hardware conflict. Preparing for the inevitable could save you from the equally inevitable headache.

USB Business Cards

It’s still common for businesses to hand out branded flash drives at events and expos. So why not take it a step further?

USB business cards are flash drives with the dimensions of a credit card. That means they’re easy to store and transport in bulk. And like a business card, you can brand them with your company details.

Even better, their storage potential allows you to pack them full of marketing material. Instead of a doggy bag of brochures, business cards, and thumb drives, you can give out a single, sleek card.

Miniature Games Console

Free roms and emulators are available everywhere online. And there’s nothing that would impress a child version of your more than carrying the equivalent of several consoles in your pocket.

Many gamers have mourned the death of couch co-op games. But with a little ingenuity, you can revive them in your own social circle. Load up some of your favorite games and take them along to geek up your next hangout.

How to Use a Flash Drive for Business and Pleasure

With a little innovation, you can discover how to use a flash drive in new ways, whether it’s for personal or business use. We’ve given you some ideas above, but why not see for yourself if you can bring new life to an old flash drive?

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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