HomeBlog10 Ways to Conquer Hispanic Marketing Online

10 Ways to Conquer Hispanic Marketing Online

In 2015, it’s estimated that the Hispanic market represented one trillion dollars worth of buying power. So if you’re ignoring the Hispanic market, there’s a good chance you’re missing out on a ton of customers.

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But if you want your business to engage with the Hispanic market, you’ll need to adjust your approach. Otherwise, you won’t be able to create marketing campaigns that will engage with the Hispanic community.

Keep reading and I’ll share 10 tips that’ll help you create winning Hispanic marketing campaigns. Make use of these 10 tips and it won’t be long before the Hispanic market represents a majority of your customers.

Let’s begin!

Hispanic Marketing Online

1. Focus on Mobile

Smartphone owners that are Hispanic, tend to 17% more likely to use the internet using their mobile device, than a computer. This goes to show that the mobile marketing campaigns are a great way to engage with the Hispanic community.

If you want to market on a mobile device, there are a variety of options open to you. The one you pick is generally going to depend on the kind of business you run.

One option that works well for a lot of businesses is AdWords.

AdWords gives you the chance to target people who are only using a mobile device. This platform is highly effective if you want to market to people as they’re searching Google. After all, such individuals often have high levels of intent. This means that they’re likely to make a purchase upon coming across your marketing.

If you’re going to use AdWords to market your business, and you’re only going to target people on a mobile device, be sure to make use of all the features on offer. For example, AdWords provides a ‘click to call’ feature, otherwise known as call-only ads.

These ads make it easy for people to get in touch with your business. All they need to do is click on your ad, and then their phone will start dialing your number. This option is great because it gives you a way to sell to people. When people on the phone with you, you can explain why it’s better to work with you and not a competitor.

2. Make Use of Video

This Hispanic market like to watch video content on their mobile devices. 10 million Hispanics consume over six hours of mobile video per month. This is evidence of the fact that video marketing is a viable option when trying to reach the Hispanic market.

If you’re going to market to Hispanics, using video then you might want to take a look at using YouTube. There are two approaches you can take if you want to market using YouTube.

The first is to create ‘organic’ content. This is where you create basic content that’s designed to teach/engage your audience. You generally don’t ‘push’ this kind of content and just leave it on YouTube for people to discover.

The other option is to run some YouTube ads. YouTube ads can be a brilliant way to get your content in front of a lot of people in a short period of time. If you’re going to run a YouTube ads campaign make sure you test out your campaigns in short bursts. This’ll give you the chance to narrow down your targeting so that your campaigns produce a return on investment.

3. Advertise Within Apps

Hispanics are also 1.5x more likely to buy mobile apps and digital content than the non-Hispanic community. So, if you want to reach the Hispanic market, you might want to think about how you can reach them as they’re using apps.

The most expensive option here is that you create apps designed specifically for the Hispanic market. This might mean you create apps that use Spanish as the primary language.

But it might also mean that you create ad campaigns that are only going to deliver ads to people when they’re using an app. Creating a campaign like this is not too difficult if you’re using a platform like AdWords or Facebook.

To get the best results with this approach, you’ll need to find out which apps receive the most engagement among the Hispanic audience. This’ll help you create targeted ad campaigns in a shorter period of time.

4. Create Content Related to Your Business and Offering

54% of US Hispanics use the internet more than the TV to research products. If you want to reach and convince the Hispanic market, you need to create content about your offering and your business.

This means that you’ll want to create content that highlights the fact your business is an authority in its field. But you’ll also want to think about creating content that helps separate you from the competitors. You might do this by creating a blog post that compares your product to competing products.

5. Consider Special Events

If you want to engage with the Hispanic market, you need to think about how you’re going to create marketing that they’ll find relevant.

One of the best ways to approach this is by creating marketing campaigns, of which are related to popular Hispanic events. If you take this approach, make sure you do some research about the event in question. This’ll help you create a more tasteful campaign.

6. Appreciate Language Differences

Individuals that belong to the US Hispanic community tend to speak both Spanish and English.

But it’s worth mentioning that some of the elder members of this community prefer Spanish as their primary language. So, if your marketing campaigns are aimed at these individuals, consider how you can incorporate the Spanish language.

You may even want to make it so that people can speak Spanish when they reach out to you. To do this you might need to make use of an interpreting service like Boostlingo.

You might also want to consider providing a Spanish version of your site. You can ask the people who designed your website to help you do this.

7. Use Relevant Testimonials

Testimonials work best when they come from someone who represents the target audience.

If you’re going to use testimonials in Hispanic marketing campaigns, think about using a testimonial from someone who is Hispanic.

This added relevance can have a big impact on the effectiveness of the testimonial. Because the person in the testimonial is like the person making the purchase, the testimonial is deemed more trustworthy.

8. Find Sites with a Primarily Hispanic Audience

You can also take the approach of finding sites with a dominant Hispanic audience. When you find such a site you can then buy banner ads on the site.

When you’re creating banner ads for a site like this, remember to take into account all of the things mentioned earlier in this post. You might want to think about using Spanish for instance. You might even want to buy the ads during specific events that are relevant to the Hispanic community.

9. Test Your Campaigns

When you are marketing to the Hispanic community it’s important that you still keep in mind the fundamentals of marketing. Just because one campaign fails, it doesn’t mean that there is no hope for your business, in relation to the Hispanic market. Odds are you have probably just created a poor campaign.

You, therefore, need to get into the habit of testing. The way you test your marketing campaigns is going to depend on the kind of campaign you’re running in the first place.

For instance, if you’re running an AdWords campaign, you might need to create a number of Ad Groups.

In each of these Ad Groups, you might want to create a different kind of ad variation. Then over the course of a couple of weeks, you might want to see which ads are working and which ones aren’t. You can then take the winning ads and repeat the process once more.

The same concept applies if you’re running a Facebook Ads campaign. You’ll even want to test your approach if you’re running an organic social media Facebook campaign.

If you’re running banner ads, you might need to focus on running a wide variety of banner ads. If your banner ads don’t achieve any form of traction, you may need to focus on using a different site, that has a similar audience.

10. Be Tasteful

Above all else, you want to make sure your Hispanic marketing campaigns are respectful or tasteful. If you don’t take this into account you may end up doing some damage to your brand. This could make it hard for you to do business with the Hispanic community in the future.

If you have little to no experience with the Hispanic community, it helps to get the opinion of someone who belongs to this community. They’ll be able to check over your campaigns and let you know if you’re making any inadvertent mistakes. Whilst this can slow down the amount of time it takes to roll a campaign out, it can prevent any problems like the ones mentioned above.

Ready to Create Hispanic Marketing Campaigns?

The Hispanic community represents a lot of buying power. If you know how to create an effective Hispanic marketing campaign, you, therefore, put your business in a position to earn a lot of revenue.

In this post, we’ve reviewed some of the things you need to keep in mind when creating Hispanic marketing. Focusing on mobile campaigns is a good idea when marketing to the Hispanic community. You’ll also want to consider how you can make your campaigns relevant to people that are Hispanic.

The most important thing is that your campaigns are respectful. If you fail to vet your campaigns ahead of time, you may develop bad will with the Hispanic community. This can hurt your chances of effectively marketing to this community in the future.

Want to learn how you can get cheaper shipping rates for your business? Check out this post to learn more.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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