HomeHealth10 Ways Technology in Medicine is Improving Patient Care

10 Ways Technology in Medicine is Improving Patient Care

Technology is awesome. There’s no doubt about that. It provides all sorts of entertainment but it saves lives on a daily basis as well. Advances in technology has really helped the medical field. They’ve made it easier for both doctors and patients to have what they need. Technology in medicine is potentially one of the greatest things to come out of the past decades. It’s constantly getting better, too. Robots are used for surgery, machines can monitor health, and trends can be mapped.

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Medical technology has changed the patient-doctor experience since it arrived on the scene. And, it continues to make things better today. Keep reading to learn about ten ways technology has improved patient care.

1. Quick Answers to Minor Medical Questions

The invention of the internet was a huge game changer when it comes to patient care. Many people now use the internet to find information on conditions and to find possible reasons for their symptoms.

While it’s always better to consult an actual doctor, the information found online can be helpful. Minor cuts and burns, for example, can be taken care of without talking to a doctor. If a patient doesn’t know how to care for them, the internet does.

Diagnosing and more serious issues should always be handled by a professional, though.

2. Care Wherever You Are

Many medical offices now offer patients the ability to talk to a nurse or doctor right from the comfort of their own home. If you’ve got a computer, tablet, or phone, you don’t even have to get out of bed.

Technology like this allows patients major convenience. They can receive the help they need quickly and without having to go anywhere. This eliminates the need for getting everyone in the car, getting a babysitter, or hauling yourself around when you feel sick.

3. Medical Answering Services

Medical Answering Services provide a constant contact option for patients in need of care. When a doctor isn’t available, they still have someone to turn to.

Advances in technology allow this sort of service to exist. Thanks to email, texting, and phone calls, answering service agents are able to relay important information to doctors.

Things like appointment scheduling and prescription refills can be done through an answering service. This frees up doctors while still getting patients the help they need, when they need it.

Answering services provide live help–an actual person to talk to. And, the company should be HIPAA compliant, which means they’ll know how to handle sensitive medical information.

Live medical answering services provide reliable, trust-worthy, constantly-available communication for patients and doctors, thanks to technology.

4. Electronic Health Records

Thanks to technology, health records can now be stored and accessed electronically. This means each patient can access their history and information quickly and from wherever they have internet access. Medical records storage should be provided by professionals to efficiently safeguard and manage patient’s most private information.

Electronic records are also great for health providers. It gives them a secure, central organized place to store, view, and update information whenever they need to.

5. Monitoring from Home

Some medical conditions require constant monitoring. This would be a major inconvenience if it weren’t for advanced technology.

Thanks to technological advances, patients’ health can be monitored from home. Patients receive the care they need without having to spend all their time in a hospital or doctor’s office.

6. Make Appointments Without Contact

Apps for phones and tablets are all the rage, and the medical field knows it. While most of us probably stuff our electronic devices with social media and game apps, there are medical apps you should know about!

Would you like to make your own doctor’s appointment? What if you could do it in minutes without even talking to anyone? Apps like ZocDoc and DocASAP allow you to do this.

7. Better Information Availability for Doctors

Doctors, surgeons, and all other medical personnel are expected to know a huge amount of information. Which means, they’re bound to not remember every single detail perfectly.

Thanks to technology, they have better access to information they may need to double check. Instead of hauling a library around with them, they can simply access information using technology.

8. Quicker Communication Between Doctors

When a doctor wants another doctor’s opinion, they need a quick way to contact them. Luckily, there are many quick contact methods these days. Medical professionals can easily collaborate and pool their knowledge via e-mail, videos, texts, and even conferencing.

Thanks to these quicker methods of communication, patients can receive answers quicker and doctors will be able to provide better care.

9. Control is In Their Hands

Thanks to wearable technology, patients have more control over their health than ever. While their ability to live healthy lifestyles hasn’t changed, the information they have about their bodies has.

Watches and other devices allow wearers to monitor various aspects of their health. This provides a better care experience because the patient knows how things like their heart rate are doing.

If someone does need to visit the doctor, they’ll be able to provide useful information that they otherwise couldn’t without this technology.

10. Medical Machines of All Sorts

Technology in medicine has turned out some incredible medical machines. Have you ever needed an X-ray? That’s technology, right there.

Other devices provide MRI’s and other important procedures. Without technology, these things wouldn’t be possible.

Technology in Medicine: We Couldn’t Live Without It

Okay, so we probably could live without technology, but it definitely helps us stay living. Thanks to monitors, better communication, and more, patient care is better because of technology.

Technology in medicine provides modern help for modern issues. Doctors are better equipped with knowledge and tools. And, they can access highly important information with the click of a button or a simple swipe.

Because of this, patients receive senior care in Dallas, and they’re happier because of quicker results.

Technology also helps get the word out about local doctors. If you’re a medical practitioner looking to bring in new patients, check out our article on marketing your services.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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