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15 Ways Technology Makes Life Easier and Safer

Only 2 million out of the 325 million Americans own a horse. This means only a little over 2 million people would be able to go by horseback to deliver a letter if technology did not exist. Take 2 seconds to think about your constant stream of text messages, Facebook replies, and phone calls. Quick communication like this and other aspects of life we may not even think about are made possible and easier by the power of technology. Life without our phone or laptop seems a bit daunting. How would we get anything done? Below are 15 ways technology makes life easier. Make sure to keep scrolling to see just how your life is improved with these inventions.

1. Stay in Touch with Your Family

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It’s rare all family members live in the same town. You probably have a cousin or sibling you grew up with that lives several hours away. Being able to shoot them a quick message is one of the key ways technology makes life easier.

Whether this message is by text, email, or on a social media application, most people can do it all at their fingertips. Even if someone is located across the globe, there are apps to help ease constant communication.

Parents, feel free to annoy your kid 6 hours away at college. Significant others, text your other half how much you love them or how much you want them to grab Chinese takeout for dinner.
The possibilities are endless.

2. Dating Done On-The-Go

Between work, running errands, feeding the dog, grabbing dinner with family, and everything else, who has time to date solely in person now? While it’s great to grab coffee with the guy you’ve been crushing on, meeting someone in person is difficult.

40% of Americans are actively using online dating. Technology makes life easier, but technology also makes your love life easier. Between apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge, you’re guaranteed to secure a date without even having to leave the couch.

The nerves of the first date are also reduced because you can go into the date already knowing tidbits of information about the other person. So, be sure to use this to your advantage when meeting your date for the first time. And, don’t forget to put on your best outfit, while pairing it with complementing accessories and adding a touch of pheromone oil, from somewhere like True Pheromones, to really show them the best version of you. Who knows, this may be the person you end up marrying, so first impressions are everything.

3. Shop Quicker

There’s no way with three kids and zoo’s worth of pets you’re going to have time to go pick out the perfect accent chair for your living room. One kid has soccer practice before the next 2 have ballet. Your schedule is full.

Luckily, online shopping exists. While sitting on the sideline of another practice, you can order a chair to your doorstep using your phone.

Shopping is much easier and painless now thanks to technology. Don’t get too carried away though. You only need one chair, not two chairs and a whole other dining room set.

4. Find Information Faster

Due to the internet, traveling to the library every single time you need an answer is not necessary. While libraries serve a great purpose, it would be a pain to go every day for an answer.

One of the ways technology has made life easier is by providing a vast world of information at the tip of our fingers. With a few clicks, we can have pages worth of statistics and knowledge.

In 10 seconds, you can discover Justin Bieber’s height and the process of photosynthesis thanks to the internet.

5. Cool and Heat Your Home

Thanks to technology, the summer and winter months are bearable. Between air conditioning and heaters, it’s comfortable to live indoors.

Not only is your home much more comfortable with this technology, places you often visit such as school, church, or offices can be safe havens from the snow or extreme heat. This company has tons of clean radiators to keep spaces warm and toasty.

Thankfully, for many of us, it is hard to think about the days where opening up a window and hoping for the best was your best option. With a flip of a switch, we can have cool or warm air blown at us.

6. Information on Your Smartphone Is Safer

A sure way technology makes life easier is by making the information on your phone safer.
Many iPhones and other smartphones offer touch recognition technology to assure the right person is opening a file.

Not only can a phone recognize your touch, but you can also opt for facial recognition. Unless someone directly clones your face or fingers, you’re safe with this technology.

This comes in handy in case you lose your phone at a bar or leave it unattended at a gathering. Keeping your phone safe has become easier.

7. Get Where You’re Going

With the power of GPS, stop worrying about printing out driving instructions every time you need to go somewhere. Whether you’re new in town, visiting another city, or just need to find a new restaurant, a GPS can help.

You can buy a GPS, or you can use the one on your phone. With either option, technology saves the day once again. We all know one wrong turn can put us 20 miles out of the way we need to go, and we usually don’t know what to do once we get there.

Make your travels easier by investing in a GPS.

8. Reuse Items

Let’s say you are moving into your first apartment and you need a microwave, among other things. Why spend a handful of money on a new one when you can spend little money on a gently used one?

With sites like Craigslist and eBay, you can save the use of materials and money by buying used items. With technology, there are tons of little ways to reduce waste and spending.

Take advantage of these things to improve not only your life but the Earth as well.

9. Boost Your Business

If you have a great service or product, the world needs to know about it, and they need to know about it now. In the world of business, technology makes life easier.

By designing a website or piecing together a stellar Instagram profile, you can reach thousands of customers without handing out a single business card. The internet has tons of ways to improve the efficiency and aesthetic of your site to attract more customers.

Take advantage of technology and start building a site today. Then, get ready for success!

10. Quiet Your Stomach

Hungry but already in your pajamas? Don’t worry; technology allows you to order food right to your doorstep.

Between tons of delivery services and delivery phone apps, you can order your favorite pizza from one place and your guilty pleasure dessert from another. This comes in handy when you didn’t have time to grocery shop or just need a break from being responsible.

Most delivery apps on your phone even offer free delivery the first time you use their service.
Who doesn’t love discounted food with zero effort?

11. Cut the Cable

One of the ways technology makes life easier, and cheaper is by offering streaming services for movies, television, and music. One fact of the current day is the cable is dying.

Between Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and YouTube, people everywhere are utilizing technology to save money while relaxing at home. These platforms provide hundreds of people’s favorite movies and shows and can even be downloaded on phones and tablets.

Take your favorite TV character with you at all times.

12. Pay Online

Save a tree and save some time but paying online. Having a checkbook is useful but not always necessary. Many services, such as electricity companies, offer ways to pay bills online instead of sending a check.

You can usually even set up auto-pay which takes the money out of your account without you even having to do anything. This makes sure your bill is always paid on time without you having to sweat.

If you set up auto-pay, just make sure you don’t go too crazy at the mall and drain your account. That could be a whole other issue to deal with.

13. Healthcare Has Improved

With technology, you can now check-in to urgent care centers before you arrive, pull up records and test results through apps, and have your insurance cards in a folder on your phone.

Technology has improved the lives of doctors and their patients. Things move a little more quickly around the office, and the information is easier to share.

One crazy thing to ponder on is what will healthcare technology be in 10 years?

14. Find a Job

There are handfuls of websites dedicated to connecting employers and potential future employees. By holding your resume, simply click through jobs to quickly apply.

Employers will have the chance to check out your resume and browse through your profile without you leaving the house. Technology not only makes your life easier, but it can also make your work life better.

15. Find a Community

If you’re having trouble finding people interested in your hobbies or craft, the internet offers online community and community calendars to help you connect.

There are plenty of open and non-judgmental groups looking for people who love what they love!

Its Obvious Technology Makes Life Easier.

There’s no doubt technology makes life easier. Just read above for proof.

If you need more reasons technology improves life, tips on building a website, or just about anything else technology-related, check out our technology articles to learn more.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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