Business cards aren’t just about getting your name out to people. They create a personal connection with potential clients and allow for a deeper level of networking.
Designing personal business cards can be difficult, but the process can be broken down easily. Since we’re talking about personal business cards the name you go by is a given.
We’re going to take a look at 4 other important types of information to include on your business card. Keep reading to learn how to effectively design your cards!

Job Title
Sure, you’re the founder, president, or CEO of a company. This tidbit of information tells the client exactly nothing about what you do or why they should care.
Instead of listing yourself as the founder, consider including a word about what you do. If you’re a freelance writer and the owner of your company, a proper title would look like this:
John Smith
Freelance Writer & Owner
Many people assume the owner or CEO is nothing more than a sounding board or problem solver. At small companies, this is far from the truth. In fact, plenty of owners work side by side with other employees and even teach their methods.
Preferred Contact Information
Doing business online is great and sometimes a company may wish to leave their physical address off of their card. Other times, a PO box or a physical address is needed.
Listing your business email as well as your personal business phone line are also important aspects. Including an unprofessional email appears unpolished and no one wants to fight an automated system to reach your voicemail.
Your Online Presence
Listing a website is important because many people will research a business before pursuing further contact. However, instead of listing a generic landing page, why not include a link to a welcome message?
This link could also include a special offer, or show off particular projects you’ve been proud of. If you do want to leave a link to your landing page, just be sure it is simple to type in.
Consider too, leaving a social media profile or two. This gives another personalized touch in allowing a client to contact you.
White Space
While including one or two other pieces of information isn’t harmful, you should attempt to leave a bit of white space. White space does not equal wasted space but allows the client to read and understand your card.
A cluttered card is often thrown away in favor for a simpler design or something that is easier to read.
Final Thoughts About Personal Business Cards
Designing a personal business card is no doubt a fun and exciting process. Handing them out to possible business connections is often a proud moment for many entrepreneurs.
However, they can become quite an expense if you aren’t careful. Check into a free business card maker if you’re concerned about his cost.
Otherwise, congratulations on your decision to connect with the world in the best way possible. If you’d like more help with other endeavors, check out our blog!