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The Advantages of SSD Hosting

SSD is the abbreviation for Solid State Drive, the most updated sort of computer storage. You would find SSD in many modern laptops, desktops and it is being very much used in the hosting industry and data storage corporations.

What is SDD?

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Solid State Disk utilize the non-volatile memory for storing information and this is not like the regular RAM so there is no data loss during disconnection of power. Traditional drives require spinning the platters for locating data prior to reading or modification.


SSD just takes time to locate your data on the drive and is way faster. It’s great for data-driven and dynamic websites and those that even have high synchronized traffic. While with HDD the time taken to locate data can be 15-20 milliseconds but with SDD it can be as short as 0.2 milliseconds.

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The performance of Web hosting

These days most websites are open source, applications like Joomla, WordPress, and Drupal are used to customize and make the site more flexible with a lot of free plugins and free themes. A visitor entering any dynamic website creates database queries and access to content, both at the same time. Access becomes slow with traditional web hosting but with SSD, reading, and writing of data happens simultaneously. This reduces the loading time and makes browsing experience pleasant.

The advantages of SSD

It is extremely reliable – Hard drives can die anytime resulting in huge data loss. Losing data is a big thing in business and SDD can save you from this phobia. You must keep the reliability factor in mind because, with usual hard drive, there are chances that hardware failures could happen anytime even after considering the fact that with years the hard drive stability has improved to a great extent. An electronic device such as SSD is far more reliable these days. The ‘Mean Time Between Failure’ (the standard measurement) shoes that SSDs have a longer lifespan compared to the traditional ones. Thus the reliability is superb and it will only become better with time.

SSD gives more business – A great user experience for the online visitors and Google definitely gives more business. No one enjoys visiting a slow website and people hardly have time these days. Slow website loses out of engagement and target customers tend to drift away. This is fact if you sell your product online or use your website as the face of your company. SSD plays a big role here in speeding up your website.

Go Green with SDD – Who does not care for the environment in this world? If we are not aware enough then it is like shopping off the branch of the tree we are sitting in. So, we must always shift to technology that is good for the environment. SDD needs very less energy than the usual hard drives, basically SDDs take up one-fifth of the power that these hard drives utilize. SDDs also generate lesser heat compared to hard drives. Have you ever visited a data center? It is a chill like a cold storage to maintain the temperature of the servers. SDD technology helps to save a lot of energy, aiding the business to curb their carbon footprint.

The final SSD verdict

When it comes to web hosting and data storage, SSD is the best. It’s a new technology but it’s the future and is here to stay. So, here are SSD advantages in a nutshell:

• It is faster
• Websites hosted on SSD gives the better user experience
• SSD hosted sites can win more business
• SSDs are very reliable
• Uses less energy

Are you under the notion that SSDs tend to wear out and slow down faster? Honestly, No. Do you know that even the most inexpensive SSD can survive the whole capacity of the daily written drive for more than 10 years? Before the performance would come down due to the necessity of cell erasing but now with the invention of TRIM technology, the operating system sends a signal to SSD to erase the cells that have not been used so that writing can be immediately done. In short, SSD has improved core performance, rapid database queries, faster caching which gives more online traffic, also generates sales and better revenue.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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