HomeBlogAre Luxury Business Cards Worth the Investment?

Are Luxury Business Cards Worth the Investment?

A business card seems old-school. Well, we’re not denying it, but it’s a tool that will still work for you in the digital age.

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There are a number of benefits that a simple business card can bring, but one way to amplify these is by improving the card’s design. Want to really impress that one client on your initial meeting? Bring luxury business cards.

Yes, they’re more expensive, but before you decide that it’s a waste of money, keep on reading to see how they’re worth the investment.

luxary business card

Why You Should Get a Custom Luxury Business Card

Business cards are still in, but let’s take it further by getting luxury business cards. They look good, and we can proudly carry them everywhere. Aside from that, though, what are the practical reasons to get one?

A Luxury Business Card Boost Their Impression of You

A business card is professional, and so it makes you look professional as well. A luxury card, in turn, boosts this effect. It’s all about creating a good first and lasting impression.

When meeting with a client or potential clients, you’d want to look your best. That may mean getting a polished suit, a clean haircut, shined shoes, and maybe a luxury watch slapped on your wrist.

All of these work to improve the other person’s impression of you. A luxury card works the same way. By handing it out before you part ways, you cement that impression you’ve worked so hard to get.

Make fancy business cards a part of your daily ensemble, and you won’t have to worry about looking unprofessional and untrustworthy again.

Luxury Business Cards Represent Your Brand

Not only do business cards improve your image, they also give your brand a face. Now, the question is what face do you want your brand to sport?

When clients look at a business card, it reminds them of what you do and who you are. If you nailed the first meeting, looking at the card will likely generate positive feelings.

Luxury cards, again, boost this effect. Convey your brand’s values, message, and personality using the card. With a great design, they can put your brand in an even better light.

This can turn prospects into clients.

Handing Out Cards Helps Build Human Connections
In this modern, technological age where you can store a person’s details in smartphones or on the internet, we lose authentic human interaction. To contact a business, we only have to look it up on Google to get its details. This bypasses the need to talk in a one-on-one setting.

When we set out to hand out business cards, we set out to make a small talk. This opens up the avenue to create an authentic connection with another person. Don’t forget to make eye contact, display genuine interest, and share a solid handshake for a memorable exchange.

This allows both sides to build more trust with each other, possibly paving the way to an eventual professional relationship. Handing out a luxury business card further develops this connection, as they become more interested in what you do.

You can also talk more about your unique business card because chances are they’ve rarely seen another one like it. Use this chance to make your small talk even more interesting.

You Can Be as Creative as You Want
One of the best things about getting high-end business cards is designing it. Sure, you can have someone design it for you, but it’s still your call how you want it to turn out.

Want it to exude luxury? Go with gold or silver prints. Use blacks to accent the colors, and maybe add some deep red and dark blue elements.

Don’t stop at the colors. Add embossed features, use high-quality materials, or even make it shiny. Maybe even give it along with a sleeve because it’s just too important to be lying around exposed.

It’s up to you to decide what kind of reaction you want to get from people when you give them your business card.

Some Tips on Making Your Premium Business Cards

If all these reasons appeal to you, it’s time to get a luxury business card made; but where do you even start? Keep the following tips in mind.

Think Twice Before You Make Oddly-Shaped Cards
Creatively-shaped business cards are out of the norm, and so they’re eye-catching and definitely a conversation starter. However, they can cause problems.

They’re hard to store as they won’t fit in your standard sleeve. Most people would just lose them.

Put the Essential Information
Keep to the basics: your name, your business’ logo, your title, your website, and your contact information.

Putting too much might overwhelm the reader. Keep the design easy on the eyes as the clutter might only water down your message. It’s also a good design choice, which brings us to the next tip.

Leave Some Space
Putting only the basic information will leave you with a lot of space, and that’s a good thing. The negative space helps bring focus to the important details, and it creates a nice contrast.

Businessmen also use the space; they jot down some notes on it about you and your business as a reminder.

Most Important of All: Be Unique
You liked this one business card you found on Google? That’s great, make it an inspiration but don’t copy it.

The worst that can happen is that you give it to a client and they give back a card with the same design. The recipient may also notice its likeness to a card they have received or seen before, which puts you and your brand at a bad light.

You don’t want to seem like a cookie-cutter business that they can find anywhere else. Be unique, and make your business card reflect that.

Invest Wisely

Luxury business cards are a great investment, as they go well with your other investments: your suit, your shoes, your watch, and other things to keep up a good appearance.

If you want more business tips, and maybe some tips on tech as well, visit our blog now. Don’t hesitate to contact us now if you have any questions.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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