The internet world is growing very fast and nearly 51% of the world population have access to the internet in the world. This figure grows significantly if we talk about the tier one and tier two countries. And this 51% is as of December 2017 which is growing very rapidly.
Again, among the internet users, the mobile internet users have grown significantly and is surpassing the desktop users. When things are moving so fast, how come the marketing world will be untouched by this change.
In this beginner guide, we will try to touch base each aspect of the pay per call advertising medium and will understand how it is beneficial.
What is pay per call advertising?
Pay Per Call is a comparatively new form of advertising medium where the advertisers pay the publisher when someone will call the given number by looking at the calling number in the advertisement section. As the customer take the effort to call the advertisers and so, the chance of conversion is quite high. And this is the reason, the payout in the pay per call is quite higher than any other form of advertisements online.
Unlike any other form of online advertisement, the payout again depends on many factors including the duration of the call.
One of the most attractive features of pay per call advertising is, it is easy for the companies to track the return on investments (ROI). To track the analytics of the pay per call ads, companies use some call tracking platform like Ringba and ensures that proper analysis of the calls is being done.
In pay per call, the affiliates who promote the pay per call campaigns get paid for whatever call that is being made to the company’s tracking number. Again, certain rules may get changed depending on the company to company or pay per call networks to other networks.
Things to Consider when launching a pay per call campaign
For Advertisers:
Here are few checklists that being an advertiser you should consider-
● What are your goals (be specific here to get the desired result)?
● Which demographic areas you are looking to target for your product or services?
● Any location in specific (for example, if you are targeting, USA, are you looking for any specific areas)?
● What is your time zone or at which time you are looking to run your ads? This again depends on your working hours.
● Which is preferred ad medium
● What method are you using to track those ads and determine the ROI?
Once you are clear with these items, being an advertiser, you can go ahead and sign up for any pay per call network and start working.
For Publisher:
As you can see pay per call campaigns are quite for targeted customers and so if you are looking to promote this ad, make sure you have quality traffic. Also, the niches play a very important role here.
So, before randomly starting and getting ahead with any pay per call campaign, make sure you are ready with the quality they aspect and you fulfill the criteria. But one thing is sure, if you have quality traffic which you think will be suitable, you must try pay per call as this will give way higher payout than any other medium.
This was a small brief about the pay per call advertising for the beginner. I hope this gave you an idea of what is pay per call and how this is changing the way, advertising used to work.