HomeSEOBuild Your Mobile Friendly Website with Effective SEO Tips

Build Your Mobile Friendly Website with Effective SEO Tips

When I first started my own website, I wanted my potential customers to access it and read its content. A popular web design company in India advised me to opt for a mobile-friendly website owing to increasing an number of people choosing to access the web through their mobile devices and smartphones. In addition, Google’s priority to display responsive websites over their not so mobile friendly counterparts has made it imperative to optimize websites for mobile use. While the task may seem daunting at first, Google’s easy-to-use tools coupled with implementation of effective search engine optimization (SEO) techniques make it convenient to ensure easy access and seamless navigation of any website for mobile visitors.

Simplicity of design used

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Visuals help explain a story better. The impact of these visuals can be strengthened by the use of simplified designs that fit into the limited space of mobile devices. While including designs to my business website, my team realized that heavy and complicated designs cluttered the limited space available on a smartphone. They then took to streamlining the design using a single-column layout. Unimportant and insignificant characteristics were removed which lent the website a more mobile friendly look.

Use bigger buttons and text

Many business owners are unable to realize the importance of including a responsive website design. SEO professionals prefer to utilize the effects of having a responsive design so that the content of the website inclusive of the call-to-action tab or interactive widgets might all fit to the limited screen size of the mobile phone. The bigger size of the tabs or buttons ensures that the customers are relieved of pressing the wrong button mistakenly. In addition, clarity of the font along with increasing tab visibility makes the website more mobile friendly.

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Keeping your content brief

No customer wants to go through a wall of detailed and humongous content. Keeping it short and easy is the key to having a mobile-friendly website. This can be explained as most businesses today prefer to build different websites for mobile and desktop readers. The mobile version has lesser text than the desktop version. The trick is to create two versions of the same website with the mobile version containing shorter version and less detailed version of content linked with alluring images and other relevant sites.

Easy to find information

People accessing the web on their desktops do not mind spending an extra minute or so in searching for the information they are looking for. Mobile users, however, are always on the go and on the lookout for alternative websites that provide encapsulated information at the click of a single button. Place the information either on the website’s homepage or a place easier to find. Think about the probable questions your potential customers would like to ask. The answer to all those queries must be at one place where it is easy to locate and read instead of cluttering all the same on your homepage.

No auto-playing videos on the website

What happens when you click on a website and a video suddenly starts playing in the middle of nowhere? Not only would it be an irritating experience, but embarrassing too. Sudden pop-up advertisements, meaningless videos or unexpected audio playing in the background can irate your potential customers, which in turn increase the bounce rate from your website. Also, if your users do not find the pause button or the stop button, they will find it more convenient to exit your website and move on to your competitor’s website expecting better service.

Smaller file sizes

Including large video files or image files can slow down your website speed considerably. In the age of technology, where every business promises quick delivery along with doorstep service, customers do not like to wait for a slow loading website. Instead, they tend to shuffle between other websites, thus, losing sight of your website. Quick loading websites make more customers more involved who browse the necessary details before making a purchase. Either minimize your video and image files that slow your website or do away with them completely to reduce the bounce rate of your website.

Include mobile friendly functions

Interactive functions or buttons that increase the scope for a mobile-friendly experience must be included. “Call to action” buttons or “Click to Purchase” tabs ensure quick conversions for mobile users. Including such mobile specific functionalities ensure quick and smooth business for mobile visitors, thus, augmenting the efficiency of mobile-friendly websites.


Having a mobile-friendly website ensures quick and running business as smartphone users are more likely to browse through your products and make immediate purchases with the click of a single button. As mobile usage has surpassed computer usage both in frequency and extent, it is important that websites are developed accordingly to meet the needs of our potential customers always on the go.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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