HomeBusinessJobs You Wouldn't Expect To Be Threatened By Tech But Are

Jobs You Wouldn’t Expect To Be Threatened By Tech But Are

Advanced technology comes in many forms in the business world— whether you call these inventions automation, artificial intelligence or simply robots, these innovative machines all share one thing in common: they’re here to stay, and likely, will put us all out of work.

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Almost half of all American jobs are now being threatened with certain elimination due to automation.

The only question is, which jobs are going to go first? Here’s what we think:

Jobs You Wouldn't Expect To Be Threatened By Tech But Are

Tech’s Big Secret

As technology becomes more ingrained in our day to day lives, employees around the world are learning technology’s big secret: no job is safe from artificial intelligence. Of course, all of our jobs aren’t going to disappear overnight, and some Americans aren’t worried about it.

However, as more advanced technology continues to infiltrate the working world, the robot takeover is only a matter of time. Read on to find out which jobs are most likely to be eliminated by artificial intelligence:


While pharmacy seems like a less likely industry to be taken over by an artificially intelligent machine, many drug stores are starting to use robotic systems in their businesses. More and more robots and advanced software are being used in pharmacies, hospitals, and other medical facilities.

Oftentimes, these machines will pick, dispense, and package individual doses of the prescription drugs. It seems like this type of software will distribute the medication and interact with humans while they’re picking it up.


Automated cars are no longer a vision for the distant future–they are actually already part of our world. Last year, Google introduced their self-driving cars, announced as the perfect way to ensure safety on the road, while simultaneously reducing the commuting times for people driving to and from work.

As they were testing their new technology, Google reported seven cars with zero human intervention drove 1,000 miles while other cars drove over 140,000 miles, controlled occasionally by a human driver. In many countries, these self-driving vehicles are already on the road, ready to be used like a taxi or a cab. As fascinating as this innovation is, the self-driving car will undoubtedly threaten the livelihood of drivers around the world.


While the career of an astronaut is incredibly specialized, this fact does not save astronauts from the tech takeover. With android technology, astronauts face the very real danger of losing their careers to a robot.

These machines have five-fingered hands, as well as several sensors that allow them to assist with space operations as well as the more menial tasks of cleaning space stations, and replacing parts. As technology continues to advance, these dexterous robots may replace astronauts all together, making the need for human life in space unnecessary.


Robot soldiers may be the next step in warfare. As drones have already been used in battle, it won’t be long before robots take the place of human soldiers on the field. With the Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System, also known as MAARS, armed robots can rescue injured soldiers and civilians, open doors, and tell the difference between no-fire and fire zones.

While some may find leaving these life or death choices up to a machine to be immoral, artificially intelligent machines may prove to be lifesavers when it comes to military operations.


Ah, yes. The first job for so many of us is that of the babysitter. While babysitting will never disappear entirely, over time the job of the babysitter may be taken over by the family robot. These artificially intelligent robots are designed to keep children entertained while adults are preoccupied with other things.

These robots can teach, tell jokes, play games, as well as track children with an identification chip. While parents may never completely entrust the safety of their children to robots, it is something to consider as technology continues to improve.

Writers and Reporters

Machine-generated stories are now apart of our reality. With the help of artificial intelligence, magazines, newspapers, and online websites can easily create new content without actually writing a single word. Many of these companies recognize the cost-saving benefits of replacing human writers with machines.

Most of this automation software analyzes and interprets data, piecing it together to form a report or story. With the most advanced technology, some of these machines create content that is as good as if not better than what a human might write.

Despite the likelihood of your job being taken over by machines, you may find that automation has already begun infiltrating your workplace. In most cases, this technology has improved working conditions for employees and employers throughout the world.

As this technology continues to advance, it is important to focus on how to live alongside these robots. For example, the company you work for might implement an order management system to deal with sales orders amongst other things. This shouldn’t make you worry about losing your job just yet. If your job is suddenly altered by artificial intelligence, you’ll be left with the choice of learning to work alongside these robots or to find another career entirely.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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